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キタガワ コウキ
北川 幸樹
Scopus 論文情報  
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大学院工学研究院 宇宙システム工学研究系


  • 推進工学

  • 燃焼

  • 火薬

  • レーザ

  • ロケット推進

  • ハイブリッドロケット

  • ロケット


  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 熱工学

  • ものづくり技術(機械・電気電子・化学工学) / 流体工学

  • フロンティア(航空・船舶) / 航空宇宙工学


  • 東京都立科学技術大学  -  博士(工学)   2007年09月


  • 2020年04月 - 現在   九州工業大学   大学院工学研究院   宇宙システム工学研究系     准教授


  • 2010年01月 - 2020年03月   宇宙航空研究開発機構   宇宙科学研究所宇宙飛翔工学研究系   助教   日本国

  • 2013年12月 - 2020年03月   東京大学大学院   工学系研究科   助教   日本国

  • 2010年04月 - 2013年11月   総合研究大学院大学   物理科学研究科   助教   日本国


  • 2023年09月 - 現在   火薬学会   日本国

  • 2023年05月 - 現在   宇宙工学委員会   日本国

  • 2022年04月 - 現在   日本燃焼学会   日本国

  • 2014年04月 - 現在   ISTS(International Symposium on Space Technology and Science) Space Transportationセッション小委員会委員   日本国

  • 2011年04月 - 現在   日本航空宇宙学会宇宙航行部門委員   日本国

  • 2010年04月 - 現在   日本ロケット協会   日本国

  • 2010年01月 - 2018年03月   ハイブリッドロケット研究ワーキンググループ   日本国

  • 2001年04月 - 現在   日本航空宇宙学会   日本国

  • 2000年04月 - 現在   アメリカ航空宇宙学会(AIAA)   アメリカ合衆国



  • 火薬のレーザ点火の研究


    研究期間: 2018年04月  -  現在

  • 固体ロケット推進薬の研究


    研究期間: 2010年01月  -  現在

  • ハイブリッドロケット用液体酸素気化の研究


    研究期間: 2002年04月  -  現在

  • 酸化剤流旋回型(SOFT)ハイブリッドロケットの研究


    研究期間: 2000年04月  -  現在


  • Evaluation of Radiative Heat-Transfer Effect on Paraffin-Wax Regression Rate in Hybrid Rocket 査読有り 国際誌

    Naka G., Carmicino C., Messineo J., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    Journal of Propulsion and Power   39 ( 2 )   258 - 273   2023年03月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    A numerical setup has been developed to rebuild the axial profile and time history of the regression rate of a paraffin-wax-based fuel in a hybrid rocket, with the main target of investigating the effect of the local radiative heat transfer from both the combustion gas molecules and soot particles. The numerical approach is based on a quasi-one-dimensional computational fluid dynamic strategy, which is coupled with chemical equilibrium combustion; the vaporization and entrainment components of the wax-fuel regression rate have been estimated with an established liquefying-fuel model. The increase of the convective heat-transfer blocking due to radiation and the effect of recirculation flow due to oxidizer injection have been introduced. Numerical results are compared with experimental data. When radiative heat transfer, blocking-effect correction, and recirculation flow effect are taken into account, the calculated and measured fuel regression rates agree well in both values and axial profiles.

    DOI: 10.2514/1.B38728


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85150484554&origin=inward

  • Evaluation of Measurement System for Heat Transfer Characteristics ofLiquid Oxygen Flow in a Thin Tube under High Heat Flux Conditions 査読有り 国際誌


    Journal of Evolving Space Activities ( 宇宙技術および科学の国際シンポジウム )   1 ( 0 )   n/a   2023年01月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    <p>Heat transfer characteristics of liquid oxygen under high pressure and high heat flux should be elucidated to design a regenerative cooling nozzle for a hybrid rocket. Previously, we developed an experimental system using Joule heating to a thin tube in which liquid oxygen flows. The objective of this study is the evaluation of the measurement system to obtain the heat transfer characteristic under high pressure and high heat flux. We conducted a cold flow experiment and an experiment of heat transfer characteristic measurement. The friction factor of the tube is estimated with the Colebrook-White equation. The heat transfer coefficient was calculated by solving the heat conduction equation in the tube and the conservation laws of the fluid. The calculated heat transfer coefficient is in the same order as the experimental value. Consequently, we confirmed that experimental and analytical methods are appropriate to obtain heat transfer characteristics.</p>

    DOI: 10.57350/jesa.45

    CiNii Research

  • Function Test of Experimental System to Obtain Laser Ignition Characteristics of Low-Temperature Boron/Potassium Nitrate 査読有り 国際誌

    MATSUI Kohei, MATSUURA Yoshiki, TOKUDOME Shinichiro, KITAGAWA Koki

    Journal of Evolving Space Activities ( 宇宙技術および科学の国際シンポジウム )   1 ( 0 )   n/a   2023年01月


    担当区分:最終著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    <p>In order to use laser ignition systems for solid rocket motors operating in deep space environments, it is necessary to elucidate the laser ignition characteristics of the ignition charge in low-temperature environments. This study aims to design an experimental system that can confirm the ignition threshold, ignition delay, and ignition temperature by irradiating an ignition charge with a diode laser in a low-temperature environment. Ignition experiments at room temperature were conducted. The data were evaluated statistically to obtain an ignition threshold with the maximum likelihood method. The relationship between the laser irradiation duration and the laser power with respect to the ignition threshold was obtained. The target value of the low-temperature environment temperature was determined as -50 °C. We examined the requirements of the experimental system and conceptually designed the system to simulate the low-temperature environment. It was confirmed that the constructed experimental system cooled the ignition charge to -50 °C. In the ignition experiment, the ignition charge was successfully ignited at room temperature and at low temperature. The ignition delay, the ignition temperature, and the high-speed image were obtained. Eventually, the validity of the experimental system was confirmed through the function tests.</p>

    DOI: 10.57350/jesa.17

    CiNii Research

  • 進化計算法によるWAX燃料を用いた強度可変酸化剤流旋回型ハイブリッドロケットエンジンによる単段打ち上げ機の性能評価

    金崎 雅博, 北川 幸樹, 嶋田 徹

    最適化シンポジウム講演論文集 ( 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 )   2022.14 ( 0 )   U00073   2022年01月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(研究会,シンポジウム資料等)

    <p>To improve the thrust by the O/F shift, which is one of the weak points of the hybrid rocket, a method with a variable oxidizer strength has been proposed. In this study, the superiority of this type of hybrid rocket over the conventional hybrid rocket without variable oxidizer supply was compared through several launch vehicle designs, such as altitude maximization by vertical launch and downrange extension problems with an optimized launch angle. A multi-objective evolutionary algorithm and the multi-disciplinary evaluation method of the launch vehicle were applied.</p>

    DOI: 10.1299/jsmeoptis.2022.14.u00073

    CiNii Research

  • Development Results of Laser Ignition System for Solid Rocket Motor 査読有り 国際誌

    MINAMI Keisuke, MATSUURA Yoshiki, KITAGAWA Koki, ARAKAWA Satoshi, MORISHITA Naoki, TAKEMAE Toshiaki, IWABUCHI Shota, WADA Asato, TOKUDOME Shinichiro



    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    <p>This paper describes the development status of a laser ignition system for a solid rocket motor. This system is being developed as a simple, lightweight, and small design with a high resistance to electrical disturbances and a high level of safety. The most notable advantage of this system is that its high level of safety can decrease the cost of launching rockets into space. A laser initiator and a laser safe-and-arm device (laser S/A), which are essential components of the proposed system, were developed. In particular, prototypes of the laser initiator and laser S/A for the ignition of an upper stage rocket motor were manufactured, and some environmental tests, which are required for space rocket devices, were conducted. In addition, the lowest laser energy that is needed to ignite the laser initiator was determined by changing the laser power and operating time of the laser S/A. Furthermore, a small rocket motor vacuum fire test was successfully conducted.</p>

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.19.807

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Research

    その他リンク: https://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/130008084441

  • Flight Results of Solid Propulsion Systems for Epsilon-4 査読有り 国際誌

    KITAGAWA Koki, TOKUDOME Shinichiro, HORI Keiichi, UI Kyoichi, KINOSHITA Masahiro, HASHIMOTO Junichi, ICHIMURA Kotaro



    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    <p>Epsilon-4, which was the Enhanced Epsilon launch vehicle optional configuration with a multi-satellite mount structure, was successfully launched with seven satellites in January 2019. The seven satellites consist of 200 kg-class small-satellite, three micro-satellites and three CubeSats in the Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration-1 program. The post flight analysis was conducted. The chamber pressure and thrust of three main motors and chamber pressure of SMSJ and SPM were analyzed to confirm the effectiveness of design and production methodologies. All solid propulsion systems for Epsilon-4 showed a very good behavior during the flight. As a result, the validity of the design and operation of the Enhanced Epsilon launch vehicle was confirmed.</p>

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.19.400

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Research

    その他リンク: https://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/130008034521

  • Reconstructed Ballistic Data Versus Wax Regression-Rate Intrusive Measurement in a Hybrid Rocket 査読有り 国際誌

    Jerome Messineo, Koki Kitagawa, Carmine Carmicino, Toru Shimada, Christian Paravan

    Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets ( American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics )   57 ( 6 )   1295 - 1308   2020年07月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    Burning tests of a laboratory-scale hybrid rocket engine were carried out with gaseous oxygen and a microcrystalline-wax-based fuel to look into the feasibility of using an intrusive resistor-based sensor for measuring the fuel regression rate. This initial screening was driven by the need for real-time control of the oxidizer-to-fuel ratio in altering-intensity swirling-flow-type hybrid rocket engines aiming at performance optimization. A traditional ballistic reconstruction technique was critically revised in order to build up a framework for comparison with the measured data; with the measured aft-chamber pressure and oxygen mass flow rate time histories, the fuel regression rate and port diameter were reconstructed over the firing by estimating the combustion efficiency with the constraint that calculated and measured fuel mass consumed are equal. This technique invariably suffers from the issue of presenting multiple solutions for the fuel mass flow rate in the proximity of the optimum mixture ratio, for which a novel variable-efficiency approach is proposed. Reconstructed data show that regression rate is nearly constant in each firing, yielding dependence upon the port diameter other than the mass flux. Resistor-sensor raw data displayed large deviation from the ballistic results for the slower burning rate of the sensor support. A detailed analysis is presented.

    DOI: 10.2514/1.A34695

    DOI: 10.2514/1.A34695


    その他リンク: https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/10.2514/1.A34695

  • Prediction of space and time distribution of wax-based fuel regression rate in a hybrid rocket 査読有り

    Naka G., Messineo J., Kitagawa K., Carmicino C., Shimada T.

    AIAA Propulsion and Energy 2020 Forum   1 - 30   2020年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    A numerical set up has been developed to predict the axial distribution and time history of fuel regression rates with the aim of comparing numerical results with the experimental data. The numerical approach is based on a quasi-one-dimensional CFD strategy, which is coupled with chemical equilibrium combustion; the wax-fuel regression rate has been simulated with the liquefying fuel theory developed by Karabeyoglu. In this model, local radiation heat transfer from both the hot gas combustion molecules (CO, CO2, and H2O) and soot particles is considered. It is shown that, when radiation heating of the fuel is taken into account, the calculated fuel regression rates exhibit values and axial profiles close to the ones observed experimentally.

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2020-3768


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85091289443&origin=inward

  • Development and Flight Results of Solid Propulsion System for Enhanced Epsilon Launch Vehicle 査読有り 国際誌

    KITAGAWA Koki, TOKUDOME Shinichiro, HORI Keiichi, TANNO Haruhito, NAKANO Nobuyuki



    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    <p>The development of enhanced propulsion system for the next Epsilon rocket was progressed. The development of Enhanced Epsilon is mainly the renewal of the second stage, and also includes each subsystem's improvement. The second stage motor M-35 was newly designed and manufactured. In order to verify the design, the static firing test of the second motor M-35 under the condition of vacuum ambient was conducted in 2015. The JAXA successfully launched the first Enhanced Epsilon launch vehicle. All solid propulsion systems for the Enhanced Epsilon launch vehicle showed a very good behavior during the flight</p>

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.17.289

    CiNii Article

    CiNii Research

    その他リンク: https://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/130007642475

  • Hybrid rocket firing experiments at various axial–tangential oxidizer-flow-rate ratios 査読有り

    Ozawa K., Kitagawa K., Aso S., Shimada T.

    Journal of Propulsion and Power   35 ( 1 )   1 - 15   2019年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    A breadboard model (BBM) of an altering-intensity swirling-flow-type (A-SOFT) hybrid rocket engine was recently developed, and static firing experiments of the BBM were performed under various axial and tangential oxidizer mass-flow rates. A-SOFTs are intended to control thrust at an optimal oxidizer-to-fuel-mass ratio and achieve a high baseline of regression rates with a fixed motor configuration. This is possible by controlling both the oxidizer mass-flow rate and the effective geometric swirl number. A simple model based on a continuous and monotonic function of oxidizer mass flux and effective geometric swirl number was able to accurately predict the performance of experiments conducted on the A-SOFT BBM. The local fuel regression behavior in the axial direction of the A-SOFT BBM was shown to be like that of a swirling-oxidizer-flow-type hybrid rocket engine. Combustion efficiency was evaluated indirectly using equations for the efficiencies of thrust and specific impulse to eliminate errors due to local pressure shifts and the centrifugal force in swirling flows. In most cases, this indirect method compensated for the overestimations of c efficiency that resulted by directly using chamber-pressure data.

    DOI: 10.2514/1.B36889


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85076482957&origin=inward

  • Evaluation of safety distance for blast of hybrid rocket propellants 査読有り

    Takahashi A., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition, 2019   2019年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    For the purpose of constructing a reliable and reasonable evaluation method of the safety of hybrid rockets, the evaluation of the safety distance for blast wave is conducted. Physical phenomena leading to the blast of hybrid rocket propellants are extracted and modeled recognizing fuel fragmentation and dust explosion as key phenomena which cause blast waves. In order to evaluate the amount of fuel dust, of the particle size less than or equal to 500 μm, a particular correlation is used. The correlation between dust mass fraction and the ratio of the applied energy to the absorbed energy by the fuel is represented by utilizing existing experimental data. Also indefinite parameters, four energy efficiencies during the explosion processes, are identified by reproduction of existing experimental data of blast pressure measurement tests. It is found that, by using the adjusted model parameters, the present model can reproduce the existing safety distance data of hybrid rocket propellant blast for various impact velocities. The correlation about dust mass is valid for various fuels and, with this, it is also implied that the evaluation model for blast is applicable to various situations.

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2019-3917


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85095967657&origin=inward

  • Image analysis for velocity profile estimation in A-SOFT hybrid rocket combustor 査読有り 国際誌

    Kimura N., Obata K., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology ( 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 )   13 ( 4 )   JFST0029 - JFST0029   2018年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    Altering-intensity Swirling-Oxidizer-Flow-Type (A-SOFT) hybrid rocket engine (HRE) was proposed as a technique to solve problems of current hybrid rockets. It uses axial and tangential oxidizer injections and their mass flow rates are manipulated independently to control the thrust and O/F. The visualization experiment of combustion of gaseous oxygen (GOX) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) of A-SOFT HRE is carried out under combustion pressure of 1 bar. Combustion gas flow in the combustor is captured by high speed cameras whose fps is 30000. In order to capture the nature of the flow field quantitatively, obtaining velocity profiles by image analysis applied to its visualization images is effective. Basic image analysis method is Direct Cross Correlation method and, for high precision and spatial resolution, Correlation Based Correction is applied recursively. Averaged velocity profiles are obtained by averaging the calculation results of 10000 images corresponding to the actual time duration of 0.3 s. Flames with strong white light emission are characteristic of hybrid rockets and regarded as traceable markers for the image analysis. These luminous flames are considered to flow in the boundary layer and velocity of flames in the boundary layer is important to capture the characteristics of combustion flow field. Axial velocity of the luminous flame is proportional to the total mixed mass flow rate for each location x. Tangential velocity is proportional to angular momentum given by tangential GOX injection and inversely proportional to the total mixed mass flow rate for each location x. And how much GOX injected in axial and tangential directions are mixed is speculated by velocity profiles. It is found that mixing of GOX injected in axial and tangential directions occurs at almost the same constant rate regardless of the ratio of GOX mass flow rate injected in axial and tangential directions.

    DOI: 10.1299/jfst.2018jfst0029


    CiNii Article

    CiNii Research

    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85057189423&origin=inward

  • Flight results of solid propulsion system for epsilon launch vehicle from the third flight 査読有り

    Kitagawa K., Tokudome S., Hori K., Ui K., Kinoshita M., Hashimoto J., Ichimura K.

    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC   2018-October   2018年01月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    The third Epsilon launch vehicle, which was the Enhanced Epsilon launch vehicle optional configuration, was successfully launched with the payload of ASNARO-2 in January 2018. The post flight analysis was conducted. The chamber pressure and thrust include residual thrust of three main motors and chamber pressure of SMSJ and SPM were analysed to confirm the effectiveness of design and production methodologies. All solid propulsion systems for the third Epsilon launch vehicle showed a very good behaviour during the flight.


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85065301986&origin=inward

  • Design Methodology of a Hybrid Rocket-Powered Launch Vehicle for Suborbital Flight 査読有り

    Kanazaki M., Yoda H., Chiba K., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    Journal of Aerospace Engineering   30 ( 6 )   2017年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    A multidisciplinary design methodology for a launch vehicle (LV) with a hybrid rocket was proposed in order to obtain qualitative design knowledge. In this study, a propulsion system performance and aerodynamic performance were empirically evaluated using a theoretical approach, and flight evaluation was performed by solving equations of motion to evaluate the motion along the horizontal/vertical directions and rotation around the body axis. To demonstrate the applicability of the proposed method, two types of multiobjective design problems were solved using multiobjective evolutionary algorithms, and the results were visualized using the parallel coordinate plot, which is a data mining technique. The first design problem has two objective functions: the maximization of the highest altitude and the minimization of the total mass. In this case, the effect of the constraint related to the body length and diameter ratio was evaluated. The second design problem also had two objective functions and two constraints for a realistic LV design: the maximization of the downrange and the minimization of the total mass. The target altitude was different for these problems although the objective functions were identical. As a result, the trade-off information was successfully acquired for each design problem. It was also found that the body length and diameter ratio were key factors in deciding the maximum altitude. Furthermore, during the downrange maximization, the characteristic geometries observed in the obtained nondominated solutions revealed the design required to fulfill the constraint related to the target altitude.

    DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)AS.1943-5525.0000778


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85027881923&origin=inward

  • Performance and regression rate characteristics of 5-kN swirling-oxidizer-flow-Type hybrid rocket engine 査読有り

    Sakurai T., Yuasa S., Ando H., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    Journal of Propulsion and Power   33 ( 4 )   891 - 901   2017年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    Burning tests were carried out for the 5-kN-Thrust swirling-oxidizer-flow-Type hybrid rocket engine to establish the engine technology and to obtain the fuel regression characteristics. The engine attained stable burning without any combustion oscillation and C efficiencies of more than 98% under the 5-kN-Thrust conditions. The maximum timeaveraged thrust realized was 4.4 kN, which was lower than 5 kN. This was attributed to the regression rate being lower than the value estimated by regression rate correlation. The fuel regression behavior of this engine was characterized as the flow-development region near the grain leading edge and the fully developed turbulent flow region. The axial length of the flow-development region varied from that observed in the laboratory-scale engine, and it depended on the oxidizer mass flow rate, grain initial port diameter, and swirl strength. The controlling parameter of the regression rate in the fully developed flow region was modified to correlate with the grain port diameter. By effecting these modifications, the accuracy of the regression rate prediction was improved. The range of the applicable controlling parameter of the modified regression rate correlations was extended for use for larger-scale engines.

    DOI: 10.2514/1.B36239


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85021289537&origin=inward

  • Development of solid propulsion system for enhanced epsilon launch vehicle and epsilon's second launch results 査読有り

    Kitagawa K., Tokudome S., Hori K., Hashimoto J., Nakano N., Tanno H.

    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC   13   8590 - 8596   2017年01月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    The development of Enhanced Epsilon is mainly the renewal of the second stage, and also includes each subsystem's improvement. The second-stage motor M-35 was newly designed and manufactured. In order to verify the design, the static firing test of the M-35 under the condition of vacuum ambient was conducted in 2015. The Epsilon's second flight, which was the first Enhanced Epsilon launch vehicle, was successfully conducted with the payload of Exploration of energization and Radiation in Geo-space (ERG) in Dec., 2016. After the flight, chamber pressure and thrust include residual thrust were analysed to confirm the effectiveness of design and production methodologies. All solid propulsion systems for the Enhanced Epsilon launch vehicle showed a very good behaviour during the flight.


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85051500255&origin=inward

  • Structurisation and visualisation of design space for launch vehicle with hybrid rocket engine 査読有り 国際誌

    Kazuhisa Chiba; Masahiro Kanazaki; Shin'ya Watanabe; Koki Kitagawa; Toru Shimada

    International Journal of Automation and Logistics   2 ( 1/2 )   26 - 44   2016年02月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.1504/IJAL.2016.074912

  • Design optimization of launch vehicle concept using cluster hybrid rocket engine for future space transportation 査読有り


    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology ( 一般社団法人 日本機械学会 )   11 ( 1 )   JFST0003 - JFST0003   2016年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    This paper reports on the conceptual design of a three-stage launch vehicle (LV) with a clustered hybrid rocket engine (HRE) through multi-disciplinary design optimization. This LV is a space transportation concept that can deliver micro-satellites to sun-synchronous orbits (SSOs). To design a high-performance LV with HRE, the optimum size of each component, such as an oxidizer tank containing liquid oxidizer, a combustion chamber containing solid fuel, a pressurizing tank, and a nozzle, should be determined. In this study, paraffin (FT-0070) is used as a propellant for the HRE, and three cases are compared: In the first case, HREs are optimized for each stage. In the second case, HREs are optimized together for the first and second stages but separately for the third stage. In the third case, HREs are optimized together for each stage. The optimization results show that the performance of the design case that uses the same HREs in all stages is 40% reduced compared with the design case that uses optimized HREs for each stage.

    DOI: 10.1299/jfst.2016jfst0003

    CiNii Article

    その他リンク: https://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/130005126936

  • Development of solid propulsion system for enhanced epsilon launch vehicle and M-35 static firing test 査読有り

    Kitagawa K., Tokudome S., Hori K., Tanno H., Nakano N.

    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC   2016年01月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    The Epsilon launch vehicle, the newest version of Japan's solid propulsion rocket, made its maiden ight in September of 2013. The purpose of the Epsilon rocket is to provide small satellites with responsive launching with low-cost, user-friendly and efficient launch system. Now that the rst ight was successfully nished, JAXA has been conducting intensive researches on a next generation Epsilon to launch a more powerful and lower cost version of Epsilon (Evolved Epsilon). In order to minimize technical risks and to keep up with demand of future payloads, JAXA plans to take a step-by-step approach toward Evolved Epsilon. As the first upgrade toward Evolved Epsilon, JAXA has started the development of Enhanced Epsilon. The Enhanced Epsilon is required to enhance launch capability by ERG satellite mission which have decided to change an orbit to be put into to farther and also to improve on-board capability in size and in weight by ASNARO2 satellite mission. The development of Enhanced Epsilon is mainly the renewal of the second stage, and also includes the each subsystem's improvement. The main change of the solid propulsion system is exposure of the second motor M-35. Currently, the design has been finished. The outside diameter of the motor case is expanded into approximately 2.5 m in order to increase the amount of the solid propellant and the outer shell of the motor case is used as the outer shell of the launch vehicle. Solid propellant which can the high-performance equal to a conventional upper-stage motor developed newly, reducing the cost. A general front ignition system is adopted instead of the rear ignition system of the throw-away type which was adopted for the previous motor. A new development material is applied to the case lining. An expansible nozzle is not adopted because compatibility of high-performance and cost reduction. In order to verify the design, the static firing test of the second motor M-35 on condition of vacuum has been conducted. This paper describes overview of development of the solid propulsion system for Enhanced Epsilon and the results of the M-35 static firing test.


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85016479410&origin=inward

  • Development of test facilities for 5 kn-thrust hybrid rocket engines and a swirling-oxidizer-flow-type hybrid rocket engine for technology demonstration 査読有り

    Kitagawa K., Yuasa S., Sakurai T., Hatagaki S., Shiraishi N., Ando H., Yagishita T., Suzuki N., Takayama A., Yui R., Shimada T.

    International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion   15 ( 6 )   435 - 451   2016年01月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    At the Hybrid Rocket research Working Group, performing demonstrations of current technologies is pursued. The target thrust was set as 5 kN and a hybrid rocket test engine program (HTE-5-1) was initiated. To demonstrate the hybrid rocket engine technology, a hybrid rocket test facility was designed at the Akiruno facility, which belongs to the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency. A low-flow rate gaseous oxygen (GOX) feed system that includes a purge system, test stand, measurement system, and control system was manufactured. The operability and functionality, such as the GOX mass flow range and natural frequency of the test stand, were examined. It was confirmed that combustion tests under a condition of up to 0.5 kg/s GOX mass flow rate could be conducted. A 5-kN-thrust swirling-oxidizer-flow-type hybrid rocket engine using a GOX/polypropylene propellant was designed and manufactured as a demonstrator. Two combustion tests were performed with the demonstration engine under conditions below the design point. Reliable ignition and stable combustion for long durations were achieved, and accurate experimental data were obtained. This demonstrated the effectiveness of the combustion test and validated the suitability of our engine design method. It was confirmed that the combustion test could be performed safely and properly using the new test facility and demonstrator.

    DOI: 10.1615/IntJEnergeticMaterialsChemProp.2017011994


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85042103897&origin=inward

  • Effect of oxidizer particle orientation on burning rates of composite propellants 査読有り

    Hasegawa H., Fukunaga M., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion   15 ( 4 )   285 - 304   2016年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    Regarding center-perforated composite solid propellant grains, the radial linear burning rate of the propellant often depends on its location in the web. In most cases, the burning rate at the middle of the web is highest along the radial direction. This deviation of the linear burning rate along the radial direction is called the midweb anomaly, the hump effect, and so on. The phenomenon is the result of multiple factors (e.g., orientation of oxidizer particles, existence of binder layers, and the effect of those factors on combustion and heat conduction in the solid phase). The physical cause of this phenomenon has not been understood in sufficient detail. In this study, the effect of oxidizer particle orientation on the burning rate is studied. The particle orientation in inert solid propellant grains is observed by micro-focus X-ray computerized tomography. To simplify the indefinite shape of actual ammonium perchlorate particles, simple cylindrical inert particles were mixed into inert propellant slurry. As a result the particle orientations were observed in center-perforated and solid cylindrical inert grains. The orientation of the particles seemed to be along the isochronous surface, which is formed during the casting process. One physical correlation between the particle orientation and the mean or local burning rate is investigated by numerical simulation from the point of view of the combustion surface configuration, which is formed by the different burning rates of the propellant ingredients. The results of the simulation suggest that the orientation of oxidizer particles in line with the burning direction increase the mean burning rate by forming and developing uneven surfaces.

    DOI: 10.1615/IntJEnergeticMaterialsChemProp.2016014195


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85015669892&origin=inward

  • Static burning tests on a bread board model of altering-intenisty swirling-oxidizer-flow-type hybrid rocket engine 査読有り

    Ozawa K., Usuki T., Mishima G., Kitagawa K., Yamashita M., Mizuchi M., Katakami K., Maji Y., Aso S., Tani Y., Wada Y., Shimada T.

    52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, 2016   2016年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    A bread board model of Altering-number Swirling Flow Type (A-SOFT) hybrid rocket engine has been newly developed and the static burning tests have been conducted. A-SOFT hybrid rocket engines have controllability of both thrust and O/F without any replacement of components in the engine. This advantage is acquired by controlling oxidizer mass flow rate and effective swirl number. The purpose of this set of experiments is to confirm the continuity, monotonousness and predictability of the performances of A-SOFTs. The A-SOFT BBM showed a favorable fuel regression behavior. The fuel regression averaged along spatial direction fit the shape of regression rate function proposed before the experiments within ±3.5% errors, and the fuel regression rates are continuous and monotonous along swirl number and oxidizer mass flux. The O/F and thrust data also respectively fit the prediction formulas within ±4.2% and ±4.7% errors. c* efficiency is evaluated with the Isp efficiency - nozzle efficiency ratio ηIsp/ ηCF in order to compensate the pressure sensing errors caused by the centrifugal forces of swirling flows. Though ηIsp/ ηCF in the cases of weak swirl injection was clearly larger than in the cases of axial injection, its dependence on effective geometric swirl number was not clear in strong swirl conditions.


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=84983537167&origin=inward

  • Ascendancy of extinction-reignition on single-stage hybrid sounding rocket in view of fuels 査読有り

    Chiba K., Yoda H., Ito S., Kanazaki M., Watanabe S., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    57th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference   2016年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    A single-stage launch vehicle with hybrid rocket engine has been conceptually designed by using design informatics, which has three points of view, i.e., problem definition, optimization, and data mining. The primary objective of the present design is that the downrange and the duration time in the lower thermosphere are sufficiently secured for the aurora scientific observation, whereas the initial gross weight is held down to the extent possible. The multidisciplinary design optimization was performed by using a hybrid evolutionary computation. Data mining was also implemented by using a scatter plot matrix. Polypropylene and liquid oxygen with swirling flow are adopted as solid fuel and liquid oxidizer, respectively. The condition of two-time ignitions is assumed in fight sequence on the equation of motion for the three degree of freedom rigid body. Consequently, the design information regarding the tradeoffs, the behaviors of the design variables in the design space to become the nondominated solutions, and the implication of the design variables for the objective functions have been obtained quantitatively. The structurization and visualization of the design space has been implemented in order to observe the effectiveness of the local regions of each design variable. The advantage of extinction-reignition has been indicated.

    DOI: 10.2514/6.2016-0583


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=85088769416&origin=inward

  • Design Optimization of Single-Stage Launch Vehicle Using Hybrid Rocket Engine,” International Journal of Aerospace System Engineering 査読有り 国際誌

    Kanazaki, M., Ariyarit, A., Yoda, H., Ito, S., Chiba, K., Kitagawa, K., Shimada, T.

    International Journal of Aerospace System Engineering   2 ( 2 )   29 - 33   2015年12月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.20910/IJASE.2015.2.2.029

  • Evolutionary algorithm applied to ballistic launch vehicle design using hybrid rocket engine evaluated by enhanced flight simulation 査読有り

    Yoda H., Ito S., Kanazaki M., Chiba K., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    2015 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2015 - Proceedings   618 - 625   2015年09月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    A multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) has been applied to the multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) of a launch vehicle (LV) with a hybrid rocket engine (HRE) to investigate the ability of an HRE to serve as a sounding rocket from various perspectives. In this study, the flight evaluation was enhanced to 3-degree-of-freedom (3DoF) in order to consider the equations of motion for horizontal and vertical motion and rotation of the LV. In the consideration of the rotation of the LV, the time variation of the center of gravity due to the fuel burn was estimated. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II (NSGA-II) was used to solve multi-objective problems (MoPs). Four design problems were examined in order to understand the practical physics of hybrid rocket. As a result, tradeoff information was observed for all design problems. The results for the present four design problems indicate that economical performance of LV is limited with the HRE in terms of the maximum altitude and maximum downrange distances achievable. The hypervolume, which was used as the metric to evaluate the difficulty of the design problems, reveals that the convergence of the solutions for not only altitude maximization in the case of a vertical launch but also the maximization of downrange at higher target altitudes was affected by the severe limitation. To observe the dependence of the design problems on the constraint, the design problems were visualized using a colored parallel coordinates plot (PCP), and the LV geometries determined from the nondominated solutions were successfully examined.

    DOI: 10.1109/CEC.2015.7256948


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=84963567634&origin=inward

  • Multidisciplinary design exploration for sounding launch vehicle using hybrid rocket engine in view of ballistic performance 査読有り

    Chiba K., Kanazaki M., Ariyarit A., Yoda H., Ito S., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    International Journal of Turbo and Jet Engines   32 ( 3 )   299 - 304   2015年09月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    Conceptual design of a launch vehicle with a hybrid rocket engine (HRE) has been implemented using design informatics approach in order to investigate the feasibility of a single-stage hybrid rocket. Two test design problems were formulated by using two objective functions: maximization of downrange and minimization of initial gross weight, seven design variables which describe geometry and initial conditions, and one constraint relative to target altitude. The optimization result reveals the economical performance of hybrid rocket is limited with HRE in terms of the maximum downrange achievable. Moreover, the data-mining result indicates the mechanism of design-variable behavior.

    DOI: 10.1515/tjj-2015-0038


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=84941028987&origin=inward

  • Numerical analysis of multi-parallelized swirling flow inside a circular pipe 査読有り

    Takayama A., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology   29 ( 3 )   951 - 962   2015年03月


    担当区分:責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    The flow field of multi-parallelized swirling flow inside a circular pipe was investigated numerically. Two types of swirling flow configuration are considered. One type is the co-rotating type. Four co-rotating swirls are arranged at the vertex position of square in this type. The other type is the counter-rotating type which consists of two pairs of swirls having opposite swirl rotations. Each pair is arranged diagonally at the vertex position of a square. By coupling the discrete vortex method and boundary element method, unsteady flow simulation is performed. Swirl modeling with vortex elements is used in this simulation and its validity is confirmed. From the simulation results, in the co-rotating type, the four swirls interact and their shape is deformed. Each vortex motion vanishes rapidly in the downstream region. Finally, they are turned into a single swirling flow. In counter-rotating type, each vortex motion is maintained a little bit longer than co-rotating type, and their shape is not so deformed. However, the flow patterns are changed completely in the downstream region. The swirling velocity of each swirl mostly vanishes. Finally, they are turned into an axial flow. For the investigation of the mixing promoting effect due to parallelizing swirls, particle tracking simulations are performed in the co-rotating type and the counter-rotating type. As a comparison, the simulation for single swirl flow is also performed. In these simulations, the particles are introduced in the vicinity of pipe inner wall. In addition, the assumption that particles follow the flow motion absolutely is used. From the results, the motion of particles in these three cases is completely different. For the co-rotating and counter-rotating type, the particle entrainment into the main axial flow is clearly observed. This indicates the mixing is improved compared to single swirl flow. The difference of particle entrainment motion between co-rotating and counter-rotating type is slight.

    DOI: 10.1007/s12206-015-0209-8


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=84924793648&origin=inward

  • 多目的進化計算による多数回燃焼を行うハイブリッドロケットの性能評価 査読有り

    金崎 雅博, 千葉 一永, 北川 幸樹, 嶋田 徹

    進化計算学会論文誌 ( 進化計算学会 )   6 ( 3 )   137 - 145   2015年01月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    With the multi-combustion technology, the combustion in a hybrid rocket engine (HRE) can be temporarily stopped via oxidizer throttling. In this paper, two types of HREs, one with multi-combustion technology and the other without, are compared to investigate the effects of multi-combustion on the flight performance of launch vehicles (LVs). Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm-II (NSGA-II) which was a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA) was applied to solve the design problems using real-number coding and the Pareto ranking method. To investigate the effects of the multi-combustion on flight performance of LV with HRE, three design problems were considered. The first case was the maximization of the flight altitude and the minimization of the gross weight. The second case was the minimization of the maximum acceleration and the minimization of the gross weight. The final case was the maximization of the flight downrange and the minimization of the gross weight. Many non-dominated solutions were obtained by NSGA-II, and a trade-off was observed between the two objective functions in each case. MOEA results were visualized using a parallel coordinate plot. According to the exploration result, it was found that the multi-combustion of HRE was effective to reduce the maximum acceleration. Such ability could be expected to reduce the shock load to payloads carried by the LV with HRE.

    DOI: 10.11394/tjpnsec.6.137

    CiNii Article

    その他リンク: https://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/130005114801

  • Conceptual design of single-stage launch vehicle with hybrid rocket engine using design informatics 査読有り

    Chiba K., Kanazaki M., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    Computational Methods in Applied Sciences   36   369 - 384   2015年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    A single-stage launch vehicle with hybrid rocket engine has been conceptually designed by using design informatics, which has three points of view as problem definition, optimization, and data mining. The primary objective of the design in the present study is that the sufficient down range and the duration time in the lower thermosphere are achieved for aurora scientific observation whereas the initial gross weight is held down. Multidisciplinary design optimization and data mining were performed by using evolutionary hybrid computation under the conditions that polypropylene as solid fuel and liquid oxygen as liquid oxidizer were adopted and that single-time ignition is implemented in sequence. Consequently, the design information regarding the tradeoffs and the behaviors of the design variables in the design space was obtained in order to quantitatively differentiate the advantage of hybrid rocket engine.

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-11541-2_24


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=84962821808&origin=inward

  • Conceptual Design of Single-stage Rocket Using Hybrid Rocket by Means of Genetic Algorithm 査読有り 国際誌

    Kanazaki M., Ariyairt A., Chiba K., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    Procedia Engineering ( Elsevier )   99   198 - 207   2015年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    In this study, a multi-objective genetic algorithm (MOGA) was applied to the multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) of a hybrid rocket. A swirling-oxidizer-type hybrid rocket engine (HRE) with a single cylindrical grain port was designed. It was considered that this HRE could temporarily stop combustion via oxidizer throttling; this feature is called multi-combustion. The MOGA was applied to solve the multi-objective problem using real-number coding and the Pareto ranking method. In this study, three design problems were considered. First problem was the maximization of the flight altitude and minimization of the gross weight. Second problem was the minimization of the maximum acceleration and minimization of the gross weight. Third problem was the maximization of the duration time over the target flight altitude and minimization of the gross weight. Each objective function was empirically estimated. In addition, this study compared two types of HREs to investigate the emects of the multi-combustion: one type was able to carry out the multi-combustion, and the other was not. Many non-dominated solutions were obtained using the MOGA, and a trade-off was observed between the two objective functions. To understand the design problem, the MOGA results were visualized using a parallel coordinate plot (PCP).

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2014.12.526

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2014.12.526


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=84978173389&origin=inward

  • Performance calculations and burning tests on altering-intensity swirling oxidizer flow type hybrid rocket engines 査読有り

    Ozawa K., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    Proceedings of the International Astronautical Congress, IAC   9   7332 - 7345   2015年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    As a technique to eliminate O/F shifts, Altering-intensity Swirling Oxidizer Flow Type (A-SOFT) hybrid rocket is proposed using the combination axial and tangential oxidizer injection. In this paper, the possible geometric design point of the motor is considered about 2-tons class single stage A-SOFT hybrid rockets, and the nominal performance increase by eliminating O/F shifts is evaluated. The highest altitude of the A-SOFT is 450 [km] and the averaged ISP is 284[s] with 100[kg] payload, and this performance is several percent higher than the ones of S-520 with 95[kg] payload, Japanese 2-tons class solid sounding rocket. Though A-SOFTs increase the nominal flight performance by 1% from Swirling Oxidizer Flow Type hybrid rockets, which cannot O/F shift, their feedback control prevents the large performance losses caused by fuel regression errors and residuals, and this function is not found in the conventional hybrid rockets. In this paper, a planning of steady state burning tests of A-SOFT bread board model is also explained. The purpose of the burning tests are to demonstrate the concept of A-SOFTs. The test motor is 250[N] scale and uses polypropylene and GOX and its burning duration is 5[s]. In more than 10 times steady state tests, 50% throttling conditions with effective geometric swirl intensity between 0 and 37.3 are inculded.


    その他リンク: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?partnerID=HzOxMe3b&scp=84994351460&origin=inward

  • Conceptual design: Dependence of parameterization on design performance of three-stage hybrid rocket 査読有り 国際誌


    Journal of Fluid Science and Technology ( The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers )   9 ( 5 )   JFST0071   2014年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.1299/jfst.2014jfst0071

    DOI: 10.1299/jfst.2014jfst0071

    その他リンク: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jfst/9/5/9_2014jfst0071/_article/-char/en

  • Structurization of Design Space for Launch Vehicle with Hybrid Rocket Engine Using Stratum-Type Association Analysis 国際誌

    Chiba K., Kanazaki M., Watanabe S., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.

    Adaptation, Learning and Optimization ( Springer )   1   509 - 521   2014年11月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13359-1_39

  • 設計情報学を用いたハイブリッドロケットエンジン搭載単段式宇宙輸送機の概念設計 査読有り

    千葉 一永, 渡邉 真也, 金崎 雅博, 北川 幸樹, 嶋田 徹

    日本機械学会論文集 ( 日本機械学会 )   80 ( 818 )   TRANS0287   2014年10月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.1299/transjsme.2014trans0287


  • Diversity of Design Knowledge for Launch Vehicle in View of Fuels on Hybrid Rocket Engine 査読有り 国際誌

    Kazuhisa CHIBA, Masahiro KANAZAKI, Masaki NAKAMIYA, Koki KITAGAWA, Toru SHIMADA

    Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing ( The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers )   8 ( 3 )   JAMDSM0023 - JAMDSM0023   2014年07月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2014jamdsm0023

    DOI: 10.1299/jamdsm.2014jamdsm0023

    その他リンク: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jamdsm/8/3/8_2014jamdsm0023/_article/-char/en

  • 設計情報学による燃料種を考慮した科学観測用単段式ハイブリッドロケットの概念設計 査読有り

    千葉 一永, 金崎 雅博, 中宮 賢樹, 北川 幸樹, 嶋田 徹

    航空宇宙技術 ( 日本航空宇宙学会 )   13   41 - 50   2014年06月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.2322/astj.13.41

    DOI: 10.2322/astj.13.41

  • Experimental Study of Fragmentation of Hybrid Rocket Fuel 査読有り 国際誌




    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.12.Pa_15

    DOI: 10.2322/tastj.12.Pa_15

  • A Linear Stability Analysis of Oscillatory Combustion Induced by Combustion Time Delays of Liquid Oxidizer in Hybrid Rocket Motors 査読有り 国際誌

    Takakazu Morita, Koki Kitagawa, Toru Shimada, Shigeru Yamaguchi

    International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion ( Begell House )   13 ( 1 )   83 - 96   2014年01月

  • 科学観測用単段式ハイブリッドロケット概念設計への設計情報学の実運用 査読有り

    千葉 一永, 金崎 雅博, 中宮 賢樹, 北川 幸樹, 嶋田 徹

    進化計算学会論文誌 ( 進化計算学会 )   4 ( 3 )   85 - 95   2013年11月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.11394/tjpnsec.4.85

    DOI: 10.11394/tjpnsec.4.85


    Koki Kitagawa, Paul Joseph, Vasily Novozhilov, Toru Shimada

    International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion   11 ( 6 )   549 - 566   2013年11月


    担当区分:筆頭著者, 責任著者   記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.1615/IntJEnergeticMaterialsChemProp.2013005406

    DOI: 10.1615/IntJEnergeticMaterialsChemProp.2013005406

  • Conceptual Design of Single-Stage Launch Vehicle with Hybrid Rocket Engine for Scientific Observation Using Design Informatics 査読有り 国際誌

    Kazuhisa CHIBA, Masahiro KANAZAKI, Masaki NAKAMIYA, Koki KITAGAWA, Toru SHIMADA

    Journal of Space Engineering ( 日本機械学会 )   6 ( 1 )   15 - 27   2013年09月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.1299/spacee.6.15

    DOI: 10.1299/spacee.6.15

    その他リンク: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/spacee/6/1/6_15/_article/-char/en

  • Burning rate anomaly of composite propellant grains 査読有り 国際誌

    H. Hasegawa, M. Fukunaga, K. Kitagawa, T. Shimada

    Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves   49 ( 5 )   583 - 592   2013年09月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

  • Low-Frequency Feed-System-Coupled Combustion Instability in Hybrid Rocket Motors 査読有り 国際誌

    Takakazu MORITA, Saburo YUASA, Koki KITAGAWA, Toru SHIMADA, Shigeru YAMAGUCHI

    Journal of Thermal Science and Technology ( 日本機械学会 )   8 ( 2 )   380 - 394   2013年07月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.1299/jtst.8.380

    DOI: 10.1299/jtst.8.380

    その他リンク: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jtst/8/2/8_380/_article/-char/en

  • Multi-Stage Hybrid Rocket Conceptual Design for Micro-Satellites Launch using Genetic Algorithm 査読有り




    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)


    Saburo Yuasa, Koki Kitagawa, Toshiaki Sakurazawa, Ikuno Kumazawa, Takashi Sakurai

    International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion   10 ( 2 )   155 - 168   2011年04月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    DOI: 10.1615/IntJEnergeticMaterialsChemProp.2012001351

    DOI: 10.1615/IntJEnergeticMaterialsChemProp.2012001351

  • Combustion Characteristics of Mg Vapor Jet Flames in CO2 Atmospheres 査読有り 国際誌

    Yuasa Saburo, Sakoda Kou, Aizawa Shinri, Kitagawa Koki

    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute ( Elsevier )   31 ( 2 )   2037 - 2044   2007年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(国際会議プロシーディングス)

    ドイツ   ハイデルベルグ  

    An experimental study was performed on the combustion characteristics of a jet diffusion flame of Mg vapor injected through a small nozzle into CO2 atmospheres at low pressures from 8 to 48 kPa with a view to using Mg as fuel for a CO2-breathing turbojet engine in the Mars atmosphere. The Mg vapor jet produced three types of the flame. At lower pressures and higher injection velocities, a red-heated jet flame formed, in which the injected Mg vapor was heated by spontaneous reactions, turning red. At medium pressures and injection velocities, a stable luminous lifted-like flame developed above the rim of the chimney, a tube-like combustion product for the Mg vapor passage that grew on the nozzle during combustion. The flame had similar flame length properties to laminar jet diffusion flames of gaseous fuels. At higher pressures and lower injection velocities, a stable luminous attached flame developed at the rim of the chimney. The same reactions, producing MgO(g), CO and MgO(c), proceeded preferentially for all flames and chimneys. Carbon was only subordinately generated. Burning behavior of Mg vapor jets in a CO2 atmosphere has been represented, including the homogeneous reaction of Mg vapor with CO2, the diffusion of CO2, and the condensation and deposit of MgO. The injection velocity of Mg vapor at the rim of the chimney and the exothermic reactions with diffused CO2 that occur there play a crucial role in the attachment and development of the flames. The flame structure may be explained in terms of the relatively low gas-phase reaction rate of Mg with CO2.

    DOI: 10.1016/j.proci.2006.07.192

  • 推力1500N級酸化剤流旋回型ハイブリッドロケットエンジン用LOX気化ノズルの評価燃焼実験 査読有り

    北川 幸樹, 桜沢 俊明, 湯浅 三郎

    宇宙技術 ( 日本航空宇宙学会 )   6   47 - 54   2007年01月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)


    DOI: 10.2322/stj.6.47


  • 液体酸素旋回型ハイブリッドロケットエンジンの燃焼特性 査読有り

    北川 幸樹, 湯浅 三郎

    日本航空宇宙学会論文集 ( 日本航空宇宙学会 )   54 ( 629 )   242 - 249   2006年06月


    担当区分:筆頭著者   記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    We have proposed a swirling oxidizer type hybrid rocket engine. In this paper, liquid oxygen (LOX) was used as oxidizer. Combustion tests of a hybrid rocket engine with a swirling LOX flow were conducted by changing the swirl strength. Ignition was rapid and reliable, and combustion of PMMA with swirling LOX was stable. Fuel regression rates, C* efficiency and specific impulse of the hybrid rocket engine with swirling LOX flow were smaller than those with swirling gaseous oxygen (GOX). This low performance may be restraint of atomization and vaporization of LOX by formation of a liquid layer on the PMMA fuel and a decline of angular momentum of the swirling LOX during vaporization. Combustion oscillation occurred when the ratios of differential pressure between injector pressure and chamber pressure to chamber pressure were small. This combustion oscillation was confirmed to be a “Chugging” mode due to combustion time lag of LOX.

    DOI: 10.2322/jjsass.54.242


  • 大学における小型再使用打上げシステムの開発研究その2:酸化剤旋回型小型ハイブリッドロケットの開発と打上げ 査読有り

    湯浅 三郎,山本 研吾,蜂谷 仁司,北川 幸樹

    日本航空宇宙学会誌   53 ( 616 )   13 - 19   2005年05月


    記述言語:日本語   掲載種別:記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌)


  • Current Status of Rocket Developments in Universities -Development of a Small Hybrid Rocket with a Swirling Oxidizer Flow Type Engine 査読有り

    Saburo YUASA, Koki KITAGAWA

    The Journal of Space Technology and Science ( 日本ロケット協会 )   21 ( 1 )   1_1 - 1_11   2005年01月


    記述言語:英語   掲載種別:研究論文(学術雑誌)

    To develop an experimental small hybrid rocket with a swirling gaseous oxygen flow type engine, we made a flight model engine. Burning tests of the engine showed that a maximum thrust of 692 N and a specific impulse of 263 s (at sea level) were achieved. We designed a small hybrid rocket with this engine. The rocket measured 1.8 m in length and 15.4 kg in mass. To confirm the flight stability of the rocket, wind tunnel tests using a 112-scale model of the rocket and simulations of the flight attitude and trajectory were carried out. A flight test was conducted at Taiki-cho, Hokkaido, Japan on March 2001. The rocket reached an altitude of about 600 m, thus recording the first successful flight of a hybrid rocket in Japan. For the next stage, future issues to develop larger hybrid rockets using a swirling liquid oxygen flow type engine are discussed, and preliminary burning tests of the engine have been carried out.

    DOI: 10.11230/jsts.21.1_1




  • Elucidation of Influence of Fuels on Hybrid Rocket Using Visualization of Design-Space Structure

    Chiba K., Watanabe S., Kanazaki M., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.(共著)

    Springer Netherland  2019年01月 


    総ページ数:16   担当ページ:43-488   記述言語:日本語

    The stratum-type association analysis as a new data mining technique has been applied to the conceptual design of a single-stage launch vehicle with hybrid rocket engine. The conceptual design was performed by using design informatics, which has three points of view, i.e., problem definition, optimization, and data mining. The primary objective of the present design is that the down range and the duration time in the lower thermosphere are sufficiently secured for the aurora scientific observation, whereas the initial gross weight is held down to the extent possible. The multidisciplinary design optimization was performed by using a hybrid evolutionary computation. Data mining was also implemented by using the stratum-type association analysis. Consequently, the design information regarding the tradeoffs has been revealed. The hierarchical dendrogram generated by using the stratum-type association analysis indicates the structure of the design space in order to improve the objective functions. Furthermore, the assignments of the stratum-type association analysis have been obtained.


  • Genetic Algorithm Applied to Design Knowledge Discovery of Launch Vehicle Using Clustered Hybrid Rocket

    Kanazaki M., Chiba K., Ito S., Nakamiya M., Kitagawa K., Shimada T.(共著)

    Springer Netherland  2019年01月 


    総ページ数:17   担当ページ:519-535   記述言語:英語

    The conceptual design of a multi-stage launch vehicle (LV) using a clustered hybrid rocket engine (HRE) is carried out through multi-disciplinary design optimization. This LV designed in this study can deliver micro-satellites to sunsynchronous orbits (SSO). The optimum size of each component, such as an oxidizer tank containing liquid oxidizer, a combustion chamber containing solid fuel, a pressurizing tank, and a nozzle, should be strictly optimized because of the combustion mechanism is different from existent liquid/solid rocket engines. In this study, the semi-empirical based evaluation is applied to the design optimization of the multi-stage LV. For clustered HRE, paraffin (FT-0070) is used as a propellant for the HRE, and three cases are compared to examine the commonization effect of the engine for each stage: In the first case, HREs are optimized for each stage. In the second case, HREs are optimized together for the first and second stages but separately for the third stage. In the third case, HREs are optimized together for each stage. The optimization results show that the performance of the design case that uses the same HREs in all stages is 40% reduced compared with the design case that uses optimized HREs for each stage.


  • Hybrid Propulsion Technology Development in Japan for Economic Space Launch

    Shimada T., Yuasa S., Nagata H., Aso S., Nakagawa I., Sawada K., Hori K., Kanazaki M., Chiba K., Sakurai T., Morita T., Kitagawa K., Wada Y., Nakata D., Motoe M., Funami Y., Ozawa K., Usuki T.(共著)

    Springer Nature  2017年01月 


    総ページ数:31   担当ページ:545-575   記述言語:英語

    The demand for the economic and dedicated space launchers for vast amount of lightweight, so-called nano-/microsatellites, is now growing rapidly. There is a strong rationale for the usage of the hybrid propulsion for economic space launch as suggested by the assessment conducted here. A typical concept of development of such an economic three-stage launcher, in which clustering unit hybrid rocket engines are employed, is described with a development scenario. Thanks to the benefits of hybrid rocket propulsion, assuring and safe, economic launcher dedicated to lightweight satellites can be developed with a reasonable amount of quality assurance and quality control actions being taken in all aspects of development such as raw material, production, transportation, storage, and operation. By applying a multi-objective optimization technique for such a launch system, examples of possible launch systems are obtained for a typical mission scenario for the launch of lightweight satellites. Furthermore, some important technologies that contribute strongly to economic space launch by hybrid propulsion are described. They are the behavior of fuel regression rate, the swirling-oxidizer-flow-type hybrid rocket, the liquid oxygen vaporization, the multi-section swirl injection, the low-temperature melting point thermoplastic fuel, the thrust and O/F simultaneous control by altering-intensity swirl-oxidizer-flow-type (A-SOFT) hybrid, the numerical simulations of the internal ballistics, and so on.



  • B/KNO3火薬のレーザ点火における低初期薬温と低雰囲気圧の着火遅れへの影響


    火薬学会・西部支部2023年度卒業論文・修了論文発表会  2024年02月  火薬学会 西部支部


    開催期間: 2024年02月28日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:福岡市   国名:日本国  

  • STCP-2023-010 低温環境におけるB/KNO3のレーザ点火

    松井 康平,北川 幸樹,松浦 芳樹,徳留 真一郎

    令和5年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム  2024年01月  JAXA


    開催期間: 2024年01月18日 - 2024年01月19日   記述言語:英語   開催地:相模原市   国名:日本国  

  • STCP-2023-009 超遠方重力天体探査を実現する深宇宙固体キックモータの開発研究

    徳留 真一郎,佐伯 孝尚,津田 雄一,秋月 祐樹,澤田 健一郎,森下 直樹,北川 幸樹,松井 康平,坂本 祐樹,松永 哲也,堀 恵一,荒川 聡,松浦 芳樹

    令和5年度宇宙輸送シンポジウム  2024年01月  JAXA


    開催期間: 2024年01月18日 - 2024年01月19日   記述言語:英語   開催地:相模原市   国名:日本国  

  • HR2321 高度120km到達を目指すハイブリッドロケットの初期概念設計

    與那嶺 真幸,北川 幸樹

    第6回 ハイブリッドロケット シンポジウム  2023年12月  JAXA


    開催期間: 2023年12月07日 - 2023年12月08日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:ハイブリッドロケット研究会   国名:日本国  

  • HR2322 細管内を流動する液体酸素の熱伝達計測のための電力制御実験システムの構築

    田中 一晃,松井 康平,北川 幸樹

    第6回 ハイブリッドロケット シンポジウム  2023年12月  JAXA


    開催期間: 2023年12月07日 - 2023年12月08日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:ハイブリッドロケット研究会   国名:日本国  

  • B/KNO3火薬のレーザ点火における着火遅れに対する噴出ガスの影響の有無

    松井 康平,北川 幸樹

    火薬学会2023年度秋季研究発表会  2023年11月  火薬学会


    開催期間: 2023年11月09日 - 2023年11月10日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:福岡市   国名:日本国  

  • OS4-12 Feasibility Study of A-SOFT Hybrid Rocket Thrust-O/F Control System for Ground Test

    T. Siricharoensathaporn, K. Matsui, K. Kitagawa

    Twentieth International Conference on Flow Dynamics  2023年11月  Tohoku University


    開催期間: 2023年11月06日 - 2023年11月08日   記述言語:英語   開催地:Sendai, Miyagi  

  • P032 レーザ生成プラズマにおける加熱過程および電離波面形状を考慮した加熱量推定方法の構築

    鶴本 航平, 松井 康平, 北川 幸樹

    第67回宇宙科学技術連合講演会  2023年10月  日本航空宇宙学会


    開催期間: 2023年10月17日 - 2023年10月20日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:熊本市   国名:日本国  

  • 2023-a-26 Evaluation of Experimental System for Combustion Test of SOFT Hybrid Rocket with Changing Oxygen Temperature


    34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science  2023年07月  日本航空宇宙学会


    開催期間: 2023年07月03日 - 2023年07月09日   記述言語:英語   開催地:久留米市   国名:日本国  

  • 2023-b-64 Construction of the Calculation Model to Clarify the Energy Conversion Ratio in the Entire Area of an LSD Wave


    34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science  2023年07月  日本航空宇宙学会


    開催期間: 2023年07月03日 - 2023年07月09日   記述言語:英語   開催地:久留米市   国名:日本国  

  • 2023-a-10 Development status of a laser-initiated ignition device


    34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science  2023年07月  日本航空宇宙学会


    開催期間: 2023年07月03日 - 2023年07月09日   記述言語:英語   開催地:久留米市   国名:日本国  

  • HR-2022-14 高熱流束下の細管内を流れる液体酸素の熱伝達特性計測実験における不安定現象

    奈良 知璃,ティム ホクソン,北川 幸樹,松井 康平

    第5回 ハイブリッドロケット シンポジウム  2023年02月  JAXA


    開催期間: 2023年02月14日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:宇宙科学研究所、神奈川県相模原市 ZOOM   国名:日本国  

  • HR-2022-02 高熱流束下の細管内を流れる液体酸素の熱伝達特性計測実験における不安定現象

    田中 一晃,松井 康平,北川 幸樹

    第5回 ハイブリッドロケット シンポジウム  2023年02月  JAXA


    開催期間: 2023年02月14日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:宇宙科学研究所、神奈川県相模原市 ZOOM   国名:日本国  

  • JSASS-2022-S003 異なる初期薬温におけるレーザ点火の着火遅れに影響するパラメータの検討

    椎 優一朗,松井 康平,松浦 芳樹,徳留 真一郎,北川 幸樹

    日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会(2022)  2022年11月  日本航空宇宙学会 西部支部


    開催期間: 2022年11月10日 - 2022年11月11日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:オンライン(Webex)  

  • OS4-2 Experiment about Heat Transfer Characteristics of Liquid Oxygen Flow in a Thin Tube Surrounded by Air

    K. Tanaka, K. Matsui, K. Kitagawa

    Nineteenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics  2022年11月  Tohoku University


    開催期間: 2022年11月09日 - 2022年11月11日   記述言語:英語   開催地:Sendai, Miyagi  

  • レーザ点火式火工品の開発状況報告

    松浦 芳樹, 北川 幸樹, 松井 康平, 徳留 真一郎, 森下 直樹

    第66回宇宙科学技術連合講演会  2022年11月  日本航空宇宙学会


    開催期間: 2022年11月01日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:熊本市   国名:日本国  

  • [2022-o-1-21] Evaluation of Heat Transfer Characteristics of Liquid Oxygen Flow in a Thin Tube under High Heat Flux Conditions

    Koki Kitagawa, Kohei Matsui

    33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science  2022年03月 


    開催期間: 2022年02月28日 - 2022年03月04日   記述言語:英語   開催地:オンライン(大分)   国名:日本国  

  • [2022-a-33] Laser Ignition Characteristics of Low-Temperature Boron/Potassium Nitrate

    Kohei Matsui, Yoshiki Matsuura, Koki Kitagawa

    33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science  2022年03月 


    開催期間: 2022年02月28日 - 2022年03月04日   記述言語:英語   開催地:オンライン(大分)   国名:日本国  

  • HR-2021-06 酸化剤流旋回流中におけるニクロム線の寸法および酸素流量の着火特性への影響

    福永 裕生,北川 幸樹

    第4回 ハイブリッドロケット シンポジウム  2022年02月  JAXA


    開催期間: 2022年02月14日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:宇宙科学研究所、神奈川県相模原市 ZOOM  

  • HR-2021-18 LOXの熱伝達特性計測システムの改良と評価実験

    福田 次朗,松井 康平,北川 幸樹

    第4回 ハイブリッドロケット シンポジウム  2022年02月  JAXA


    開催期間: 2022年02月14日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:宇宙科学研究所、神奈川県相模原市 ZOOM  

  • STEP-2021-045 LSDにおけるレーザ強度および比熱比の爆風波変換効率への影響

    新井 天,松井 康平,北川 幸樹

    令和3年度 宇宙輸送シンポジウム  2022年01月  JAXA


    開催期間: 2022年01月13日 - 2022年01月14日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:宇宙科学研究所、神奈川県相模原市 ZOOM  

  • JSASS-2021-S021 低温環境における火薬のレーザ点火実験システムの構築

    椎 優一朗,松井 康平,松浦 芳樹,北川 幸樹

    日本航空宇宙学会西部支部講演会(2021)  2021年11月  日本航空宇宙学会 西部支部


    開催期間: 2021年11月19日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:オンライン(ZOOM)  

  • HR-2020-09 LOXの熱伝達特性計測予備実験

    北川 幸樹, 中 源也, 嶋田 徹

    第3回 ハイブリッドロケット シンポジウム  JAXA


    開催期間: 2020年11月27日   記述言語:日本語   開催地:宇宙科学研究所、神奈川県相模原市  

  • OS4-5 Development of Experimental System to Measure Heat Transfer Characteristics of LOX

    K. Kitagawa , G. Naka, T. Shimada

    Seventeenth International Conference on Flow Dynamics  Tohoku University


    開催期間: 2020年10月28日 - 2020年10月30日   記述言語:英語   開催地:Sendai, Miyagi  



  • 第68回宇宙科学技術連合講演会優秀学生賞(共著)

    日本航空宇宙学会   高熱流束条件下の水平細管内を流動する液体酸素の熱伝達に及ぼす 各種パラメータの影響   2024年11月07日




  • 第67回宇宙科学技術連合講演会優秀学生賞(共著)

    日本航空宇宙学会   レーザ生成プラズマにおける加熱過程および電離波面形状を考慮した加熱量推定方法の構築   2023年10月19日




  • 第49回宇宙科学技術連合講演会若手奨励賞

    日本航空宇宙学会   高高度ロ ケット用の酸化剤旋回型ハイブリッドロケットエンジンの 研究   2005年11月11日




  • 37th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 2001 AIAA Best Paper Award

    AIAA   Development of a Small Sounding Hybrid Rocket with a Swirling-Oxidizer-Type Engine   2001年07月

    Yuasa Saburo, Yamamoto Kengo, Hachiya Hitoshi, Kitagawa Koki, Oowada Youichi




  • 低温環境下におけるボロン硝酸カリウム火薬のレーザ点火に関する研究

    2021年12月 - 2022年03月




  • レーザを用いた固体ロケット点火システムにおける点火限界に関する調査

    2021年01月 - 2021年03月



  • デトネーションキックモーター観測ロケット軌道投入実証

    2020年12月 - 2023年02月



    本研究では、デトネーションエンジンシステムに関して、ノズル最適化とアレイ化、革新的熱制御、タンク込みシステム開発といった課題を解決し、軌道投入ミッションが可能な段階へと技術のステップアップ研究を実施する。また、2024 年度打に観測ロケットで打ち上げが予定されている、液体推進剤を搭載したデトネーションエンジンシステムのEM開発を行う。その後、デトネーションエンジンキックモーターを軌道実証(2025年度)に採択を目指す。九州工業大学では、液体酸素供給システムの検討および開発研究を実施する。

  • レーザ点火における火薬類の点火限界に関する研究

    2020年12月 - 2021年03月




  • 火薬のレーザ着火に関わる物理過程の実験的評価

    2022年04月 - 2023年03月

    2022年度公益財団法人火薬工業技術奨励会研究助成金   燃焼工学


    本研究では 着火過程を明らかにするために ,それぞれの物理現象がどのような過程を経て発生するか定量的に評価することを目的とする.具体的には,火薬のレーザ着火特性を解明するために,レーザ加熱による火薬の赤熱,化学反応による急激な温度上昇,火薬表面からの燃焼ガス生成がどのようなタイムスケールで発生しているかを明らかにする.着火遅れを各物理現象に切り分けて評価するというアプローチは,単一の手法で 着火遅れを取得している従来研究と比較して独創的かつ新規性があり,火薬のレーザ着火現象解明に寄与できる.


  • ハイブリッドロケットエンジン用ポリマ燃料の熱分解特性に関する研究

    アルスター大学  グレートブリテン・北アイルランド連合王国(英国)  研究期間:  2011年02月01日 - 2011年10月01日


  • 2023年度   燃焼工学

  • 2023年度   ロケット推進工学特論

  • 2023年度   設計製図Ⅱ

  • 2023年度   宇宙システム工学入門

  • 2023年度   ロケット・衛星システム工学

  • 2023年度   ロケット推進工学

  • 2023年度   燃焼工学

  • 2022年度   ロケット・衛星システム工学

  • 2022年度   宇宙システム工学入門

  • 2022年度   ロケット推進工学特論

  • 2022年度   ロケット推進工学

  • 2021年度   宇宙工学PBL

  • 2021年度   ロケット推進工学

  • 2021年度   宇宙航空システム特論

  • 2021年度   ロケット推進工学特論

  • 2021年度   ロケット・衛星システム工学

  • 2021年度   宇宙システム工学入門

  • 2021年度   宇宙工学実験

  • 2020年度   ロケット・衛星システム工学

  • 2020年度   宇宙工学PBL

  • 2020年度   ロケット推進工学

  • 2020年度   宇宙システム工学入門



  • 2023年07月   令和5年度 経済安全保障講演会

  • 2023年06月   学生への相談支援の状況について~22年度の振り返りと取り組み~

  • 2023年01月   本学の数理・DS・AI教育の取り組み

  • 2022年09月   コロナ禍における学生の研究室適応および留学生のキャンパスライフに関する状況

  • 2022年07月   オンデマンド授業の制作・運用について

  • 2022年06月   コロナ3年目の学生相談の状況と対応〜低単位取得学生へのアプローチから〜

  • 2022年05月   希望授業方法ごとの学生の特徴と今後の授業方法に関する学生調査結果

  • 2022年05月   コロナ禍における障害学生支援



  • 2022年度 宇宙システム工学科課外研修会 取りまとめ、引率




  • 2021年度 宇宙システム工学科課外研修会 取りまとめ、引率



    宇宙システム工学科課外研修会(3,4年生対象。40名。1泊2日)として、2021年12月3日に肝付町 内之浦総合支所にてイプシロンロケット展示、JAXA内之浦宇宙空間観測所を見学。その企画、調整、引率。前職の経験を活かし、JAXA内之浦宇宙空間観測所の施設の説明を行った。

  • 学生ロケットプロジェクトサークル(KEPRA)顧問



  • 日本航空宇宙学会 宇宙航行部門委員会   部門委員長  

    2022年04月 - 現在

  • 第68回宇宙科学技術連合講演会実行委員会   実行委員長  

    2022年04月 - 2025年03月

  • 日本航空宇宙学会 西部支部   日本航空宇宙学会 西部支部 第49期会計幹事  

    2021年03月 - 2022年03月

  • 第65回宇宙科学技術連合講演会実行委員会   委員  

    2021年01月 - 2022年03月

  • 第3回 ハイブリッドロケットシンポジウム   世話人、司会  

    2020年05月 - 2020年11月

  • 日本航空宇宙学会 西部支部   日本航空宇宙学会 西部支部委員  

    2020年04月 - 現在

  • 第62回宇宙科学技術連合講演会実行委員会   委員  

    2018年01月 - 2019年03月

  • 第59回宇宙科学技術連合講演会実行委員会   委員  

    2015年01月 - 2016年03月

  • ISTS Space Transportation セッション小委員会   委員  

    2014年01月 - 現在

  • 日本航空宇宙学会 宇宙航行部門委員会   委員  

    2012年04月 - 2022年03月

  • 第56回宇宙科学技術連合講演会実行委員会   委員  

    2012年01月 - 2013年03月



  • 北九州ゆめみらいワーク2021への出展 「先進的ロケットの研究」

    北九州市産業経済局雇用政策課  北九州ゆめみらいワーク2021  西日本総合展示場A~C  2021年12月02日 - 2021年12月03日


    対象: 小学生, 中学生, 高校生, 保護者, 社会人・一般


  • 2021年度 オンラインオープンキャンパス 公開講義 誰もが気軽に宇宙へ行くための 先進的ハイブリッドロケットシステムの研究


    2021年度 オンラインオープンキャンパス 公開講義  九工大  2021年08月07日


    対象: 高校生, 保護者
