論文 - 吉田 香
Enhancing Decision-Making System with Implicit Attitude and Preferences: A Comprehensive Review in Computational Social Science 査読有り 国際誌
SILPANI Dian Christy, YOSHIDA Kaori
International Journal of Affective Engineering ( 日本感性工学会 ) advpub ( 0 ) 2024年01月
The Impact of Large Sample Datasets on Hand Gesture Recognition by Hand Landmark Classification 査読有り 国際誌
AHMAD Khawaritzmi Abdallah, SILPANI Dian Christy, YOSHIDA Kaori
International Journal of Affective Engineering ( 日本感性工学会 ) 22 ( 3 ) 253 - 259 2023年07月
Ahmad K.A., Silpani D.C., Yoshida K.
ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications ( ICIC International 学会 ) 15 ( 8 ) 779 - 786 2024年08月
Static Hand Gesture Recognition based on Multi-Feature extraction with Context for User Intension 査読有り 国際誌
(1) Khawaritzmi Abdallah Ahmad, Dian Christy Silpani and Kaori Yoshida
ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications 15 ( 8 ) 2024年08月
An Investigation of the Effects of Presentation Methods for Visual Elements and Thinking Styles on Text Comprehension 査読有り 国際誌
Kouki Ueno, Kaori Yoshida and Naruki Shirahama
ICIC Express Letters, Part B: Applications 15 ( 6 ) 561 - 573 2024年06月
Implicit Attitude of Human Behavior: A Review 査読有り
Dian Christy Silpani and Kaori Yoshida
Proceedings of Computer Information Systems, Biometrics and Kansei Engineering 2023 102 - 114 2023年09月
Static Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Multi-Feature Extraction with Context for User Intension 査読有り 国際誌
Khawaritzmi Abdallah Ahmad, Dian Christy Silpani and Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of 17th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2023) ( 142 ) 2023年08月
An Investigation of the Effects of Presentation Methods for Visual Elements and Thinking Styles on Text Comprehension 査読有り 国際誌
Kouki Ueno, Kaori Yoshida and Naruki Shirahama
Proc. of 17th International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC2023) ( 125 ) 2023年08月
A Feasibility Study on Hand Gesture Intention Interpretation Based on Gesture Detection and Speech Recognition 査読有り 国際誌
Silpani Dian Christy, Suematsu Keishi, Yoshida Kaori
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics ( 富士技術出版株式会社 ) 26 ( 3 ) 375 - 381 2022年05月
Hand Gesture Recognition by Hand Landmark Classification 査読有り 国際誌
AHMAD Khawaritzmi Abdallah, SILPANI Dian Christy, YOSHIDA Kaori
International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering ( 日本感性工学会 ) ISASE2022 ( 0 ) 1 - 4 2022年01月
特集:「地域における AI 社会実装」 特集「地域における AI 社会実装」にあたって
吉田 香, 諏訪 博彦, 清田 陽司
人工知能 ( 一般社団法人 人工知能学会 ) 37 ( 2 ) 170 - 171 2022年01月
Calibration Cost Reduction of Indoor Localization Using Bluetooth Low Energy Beacon 査読有り 国際誌
As M., Shimizu H., Benaissa B., Yoshida K., Koppen M.
Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics ( 富士技術出版株式会社 ) 26 ( 1 ) 97 - 106 2022年01月
A First Prototype of an Emotional Smart Speaker 査読有り 国際誌
Enrique A. de la Cal, Alberto Gallucci, José Ramón Villar, Kaori Yoshida, Mario Koeppen
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1401 304 - 313 2021年09月
A Feasibility Study on Hand Gesture Recognition in Natural Conversation 査読有り
Silpani D.C., Suematsu K., Yoshida K.
2021 5th IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics, CYBCONF 2021 85 - 90 2021年06月
Simple Meta-optimization of the Feature MFCC for Public Emotional Datasets Classification 査読有り 国際誌
de la Cal E., Gallucci A., Villar J.R., Yoshida K., Koeppen M.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 12886 LNAI 659 - 670 2021年01月
Smart watering system based on framework of low-bandwidth distributed applications (LBDA) in cloud computing 査読有り
Sirimorok N., As M., Yoshida K., Köppen M.
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 1263 AISC 447 - 459 2021年01月
吉田 香
人工知能 ( 一般社団法人 人工知能学会 ) 36 ( 3 ) 335 - 335 2021年01月
Hand Position Tracking Correction of Leap Motion Controller Attached to the Virtual Reality Headset 査読有り
International Journal of Biomedical Soft Computing and Human Sciences: the official journal of the Biomedical Fuzzy Systems Association ( バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会 ) 25 ( 1 ) 29 - 37 2020年01月
The Concept of Intelligent Space with a Robot 査読有り
International Symposium on Affective Science and Engineering 2019 ( 0 ) 1 - 4 2019年01月
Tensor self-organizing map for kansei analysis 査読有り
Itonaga K., Yoshida K., Furukawa T.
Proceedings - 2018 Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems, SCIS-ISIS 2018 796 - 801 2018年12月
An Efficient Replay Method to Prevent SURF-Based Face Detection 査読有り
Dadkhah S., Koppen M., Sadeghi S., Yoshida K.
Proceedings - 2018 5th Asia-Pacific World Congress on Computer Science and Engineering, APWC on CSE 2018 18 - 25 2018年12月
Updatable indoor localization based on BLE signal fingerprint 査読有り
Benaissa B., Yoshida K., Koppen M., Hendrichovsky F.
Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Applied Smart Systems, ICASS 2018 2018年11月
上半身動作を用いたロボットの回避方向意図の伝達 査読有り
石川 友紀也, 末松 圭史, 大坪 正和, 吉田 香
日本知能情報ファジィ学会論文誌 30 ( 5 ) 709 - 716 2018年10月
Path planning on robot based on D∗ lite algorithm 査読有り
Belanova D., Mach M., Sinčák P., Yoshida K.
DISA 2018 - IEEE World Symposium on Digital Intelligence for Systems and Machines, Proceedings 125 - 130 2018年10月
An efficient ward-based copy-move forgery detection method for digital image forensic 査読有り
Dadkhah S., Koppen M., Sadeghi S., Yoshida K., Jalab H., Manaf A.
International Conference Image and Vision Computing New Zealand 2017-December 1 - 6 2018年07月
Bad Ai: Investigating the Effect of Half-Toning Techniques on Unwanted Face Detection Systems 査読有り
Dadkhah S., Köeppen M., Sadeghi S., Yoshida K.
2018 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2018 - Proceedings 2018-January 1 - 5 2018年03月
Phone Application for Indoor Localization Based on Ble Signal Fingerprint 査読有り
Benaissa B., Hendrichovsky F., Yishida K., Köppen M., Sinčák P.
2018 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security, NTMS 2018 - Proceedings 2018-January 1 - 5 2018年03月
BAD AI - Investigating the Effect of Half-Toning Techniques on Unwanted Face Detection Systems 査読有り
Sajjad Dadkhah and Mario Koeppen, Somayeh Sadeghi, Kaori Yoshida
the 9th IFIP International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility & Security 2018年02月
Phone application for indoor localization based on BLE signal mapping 査読有り
Filip Hendrichovsky, Brahim Benaissa, Peter Sinčák, Kaori Yoshida
MobiCASE Student Workshop (MCSW2018) in conjunction with the 9th International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services (MobiCASE 2018) 2018年02月
ユーザモデリングにおける課題と今後の展望 査読有り
吉田 香
知能と情報 ( 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 ) 30 ( 4 ) 219 - 221 2018年01月
Interactive Evolutionary Computation of Color Palette Design Enhanced by Impression Words 査読有り
Makiwan D., Yoshida K., Köppen M.
2017 International Conference on Platform Technology and Service, PlatCon 2017 - Proceedings 2017年03月
CoWoOZ - A cloud-based teleoperation platform for social robotics 査読有り
Magyar G., Sinčák P., Magyar J., Yoshida K., Manzi A., Cavallo F.
SAMI 2017 - IEEE 15th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, Proceedings 49 - 54 2017年03月
Activity and Emotion Recognition for Elderly Health Monitoring 査読有り
International Journal of Affective Engineering 17 ( 2 ) 81 - 88 2017年01月
Tensor SOMによる感性の評価者・評価対象・評価語の同時分析 査読有り
糸永 恭平, 岩崎 亘, 上村 洋平, 吉田 香, 古川 徹生
知能と情報 29 ( 6 ) 661 - 669 2017年01月
The price of unfairness 査読有り
Koeppen M., Yoshida K.
Proceedings - 2016 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, IEEE INCoS 2016 463 - 468 2016年10月
Comparison of Near and Far Infrared Vision for Biometric Applications 査読有り
Mazandarani E., Lucke U., Yoshida K., Köppen M.
Proceedings - 2015 International Conference on Computer Application Technologies, CCATS 2015 34 - 37 2016年01月
プログレスバーの形状が時間評価に及ぼす影響 査読有り
大坪 正和, 吉田 香
バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会誌 ( バイオメディカル・ファジィ・システム学会 ) 18 ( 2 ) 31 - 39 2016年01月
第 43 回あいまいと感性研究部会ワークショップ 2015年11月
KL 情報量に基づく情報検索性能評価指標の提案
第 43 回あいまいと感性研究部会ワークショップ 2015年11月
Towards a Kansei WordNet by Color Design SNS Evaluation 査読有り
Kaori Yoshida, Dwilya Makiwan and Mario Koeppen
Proc. of 2015 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS2015) 2015年09月
Subjective Speed Evaluation on Striped Image 査読有り
Shunta Ando and Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of the Joint 7th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 15th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS 2014) 2014年12月
Music Recommendation System based on Lyrics and Melody
Tatsuya Kanatsu, Kaori Yoshida
International Workshop on Machine Vision and Intelligence (IWMVI 2014) 2014年10月
Manga Retrieval System based on Ambiguous Memory
Shogo Nishimura, Kaori Yoshida
International Workshop on Machine Vision and Intelligence (IWMVI 2014) 2014年10月
A Study on Face Impression based on Hair Style
Lu Zhang, Kaori Yoshida
International Workshop on Machine Vision and Intelligence (IWMVI 2014) 2014年10月
Evolving Fair Linear Regression for the Representation of Human-Drawn Regression Lines 査読有り
Mario Köppen, Kaori Yoshida and Kei Ohnishi
Proc. of 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2014) 2014年09月
How does Shape of Progress Bar Effect on Time Evaluation 査読有り
Masakazu Ohtsubo, Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of 2014 International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2014) 2014年09月
A Study of Relation between Fixation Point and Subjective Time Evaluation
Yuuki Wakida and Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of the 14th KYUTECH-POSTECH Joint Workshop on Neuroinformatics 2014年08月
A Study of influences on emotional expression by the length of consonant
Tomohito Matsushita and Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of the 14th KYUTECH-POSTECH Joint Workshop on Neuroinformatics 2014年08月
山川 烈, 内野 英治, 小橋 昌司, 田向 権, 小出 洋, 杉本 徹, 椎塚 久雄, 吉田 香, 吉川 大弘, 本田 あおい, 林 勲, 鈴木 倫保, 武川 直樹
日本知能情報ファジィ学会 ファジィ システム シンポジウム 講演論文集 ( 日本知能情報ファジィ学会 ) 30 ( 0 ) 864 - 871 2014年01月
A Study of Speech Synthesizer with Emotional Expression
Tomohito Matsushita and Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of the International Workshop on Machine Vision for Industrial Innovation (MVII2013) 136 2013年10月
Voice Retrieval based on Subjective Similarity
Masakazu Ohtsubo and Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of the International Workshop on Machine Vision for Industrial Innovation (MVII2013) 137 2013年10月
Illustration Image Retrieval based on Subjective Similarity
Ayumu Ohno and Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of the International Workshop on Machine Vision for Industrial Innovation (MVII2013) 146 2013年10月
Locked Room Mystery Novel Writing Support System
Yuuki Wakida and Nasanobu Umeda and Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of the 13th KYUTECH-POSTECH Joint Workshop on Neuroinformatics 13 - 14 2013年08月
A Study of Speech Synthesizer with Emotional Expression
Tomohito Matsushita and Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of the 13th KYUTECH-POSTECH Joint Workshop on Neuroinformatics 11 - 12 2013年08月
Relational approaches to resource-aware multi-maxmin fairness in multi-valued resource sharing tasks 査読有り
Mario Köppen, Kaori Yoshida and Masato Tsuru
International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing 3 ( 2 ) 91 - 101 2013年07月
Meta-heuristic approach to proportional fairness 査読有り
Mario Köppen, Kaori Yoshida, Kei Ohnishi and Masato Tsuru
Evolutionary Intelligence 5 ( 4 ) 231 - 244 2012年12月
Evolutionary Linkage Creation between Information Sources in P2P Networks 査読有り
Kei Ohnishi, Mario Köppen and Kaori Yoshida
Evolutionary Intelligence 5 ( 4 ) 245 - 259 2012年12月
Genetic Clustering Based on Segregation Distortion Caused by Selfish Genes 査読有り
Kei Ohnishi, Mario Köppen, Chang Wook Ahn and Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2012年09月
Comparative Study on Meta-heuristics for Achieving Parabolic Fairness in Wireless Channel Allocation 査読有り
Mario Köppen, Kaori Yoshida, Rodrigo Verschae, Masato Tsuru and Yuji Oie
Proc. of 2012 IEEE/IPSJ 12th International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT) 302 - 307 2012年07月
Evolutionary P2P Networking for Realizing Adaptive Networks 査読有り
Kei Ohnishi, Mario Koeppen, Kaori Yoshida, Yuji Oie
Advances in Intelligent Modelling and Simulation: Artificial Intelligence-based Models and Techniques in Scalable Computing 186 - 213 2012年07月
A Generic Approach to Multi-Fairness and Its Application to Wireless Channel Allocation 査読有り
Mario Köppen, Kaori Yoshida and Masato Tsuru
Proc. Third International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2011) 587 - 593 2011年12月
Unsorting the Proportional Fairness Relation 査読有り
Mario Köppen, Kaori Yoshida and Masato Tsuru
Proc. Third International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2011) 47 - 52 2011年12月
Recommendation System Based on Competing Algorithms 査読有り
Elnaz Mazandarani, Kaori Yoshida, Mario Köppen and Wladimir Bodrow
Proc. Third International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2011) 857 - 862 2011年12月
A GRATIS Theorem for Relational Optimization 査読有り
Mario Köppen, Kaori Yoshida and Kei Ohnishi
Proc. 11th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS 2011) 674 - 679 2011年12月
Color Effect on Subjective Perception of Progress Bar Speed 査読有り
Kentaro Hamada, Kaori Yoshida, Kei Ohnishi and Mario Köppen
Proc. Third International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS 2011) 863 - 866 2011年12月
Meta-Heuristic Optimization Reloaded 査読有り
Mario Köppen, Kaori Yoshida and Kei Ohnishi
Proc. Third World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC2011) 562 - 568 2011年10月
Fuzzy Approaches to Proportional Fairness 査読有り
Mario Köppen, Kaori Yoshida and Masato Tsuru
2011 International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies (EIDWT) 72 - 77 2011年09月
A Heuristic Approach to Fair Routing Path Selection 査読有り
Noriaki Hirosue, Kaori Yoshida and Mario Köppen
15th International Conference of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES2011) 176 - 186 2011年09月
Annealing Heuristic for Fair Wireless Channel Allocation by Exponential Ordered-Ordered Weighted Averaging Operator Maximization 査読有り
Mario Köppen, Kaori Yoshida, Masato Tsuru and Yuji Oie
2011 IEEE/IPSJ International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT 2011) 538 - 543 2011年07月
Interactive genetic algorithm for font generation system 査読有り
Yoshida K., Nakagawa Y., Köppen M.
2010 World Automation Congress, WAC 2010 2010年12月
Fuzzification of maxmin fairness relation based on subvector dominance degree 査読有り
Köppen M., Yoshida K., Tsuru M.
Proceedings - 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems, INCOS 2010 344 - 349 2010年12月
Fuzzification of Maxmin Fairness Relation based on Subvector Dominance Degree 査読有り
Mario Koppen,Kaori Yoshida and Masato Tsuru
Proc. of 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS2010) 2010年11月
Partial user-supplied information and user modeling for improving QoS 査読有り
Rodrigo Verschae,Mario Koppen and Kaori Yoshida
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 19 ( 1 ) 47 - 55 2010年10月
Comparison of Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms for the Utilization of Fairness in Network Control 査読有り
Mario Koppen,Rodrigo Verschae,Kaori Yoshida and Masato Tsuru
2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2010) 2010年10月
Interactive Genetic Algorithm for Font Generation System 査読有り
Kaori Yoshida,Yuta Nakagawa and Mario Koppen
World Automation Congress (WAC2010) 2010年09月
Pattern Formation in Networks Inspired by Biological Development 査読有り
Ohnishi,Kei,Yoshida,Kaori and Koeppen,Mario
Arts and Technology 64 - 71 2010年04月
Heuristic Maxmin Fairness for the Wireless Channel Allocation Problem 査読有り
Mario Koppen,Rodrigo Verschae,Kaori Yoshida,Masato Tsuru
International Conference on Broadband, Wireless Computing, Communication and Applications 606 - 611 2010年04月
Folksonomical P2P File Sharing Networks Using Vectorized KANSEI Information as Search Tags 査読有り
Kei Ohnishi,Kaori Yoshida,and Yuji Oie
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E92-D ( 12 ) 2402 - -2415 2009年12月
Evolutionary Routing-Path Selection in Congested Communication Networks 査読有り
Mario Koppen,Kaori Yoshida,Masato Tsuru,Yuji Oie
2009 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics 2224 - 2229 2009年04月
User modeling for improving QoS using partial user-supplied information 査読有り
Rodrigo Verschae,Mario Koeppen,Kaori Yoshida
The Second International Workshop on Information Network Design 2009年04月
Auxiliary Objectives for the Evolutionary Multi-Objective Principal Color Extraction from Logo Images 査読有り
Mario Koppen and Yutaka Kinoshita and Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation pp. 3536 - 3542 2008年04月
Archiving Strategies for On-Line Decision Making in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization 査読有り
Mario Koppen and Kaori Yoshida and Masato Tsuru and Yuji Oie
Proc. of Eighth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems pp. 465 - 470 2008年04月
User Modeling by Confabulation Theory 査読有り
Mario Koppen and Kaori Yoshida
Proc. Of IEEE Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications pp. 55 - 59 2008年04月
Visualization of Pareto-Sets in Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization 査読有り
Mario Koeppen,Kaori Yoshida
The 7th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems 156 - 161 2007年04月
Many-Objective Particle Swarm Optimization by Gradual Leader Selection 査読有り
Mario Koeppen,Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of ICANNGA07 2007年04月
Substitute Distance Assignments in NSGA-II for Handling Many-Objective Optimization Problems 査読有り
Mario Koeppen,Kaori Yoshida
Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization, 4th International Conference 727 - 741 2007年04月
Perception of image similarity considering Gestalt theory 査読有り
Yutaka Kinoshita,Mario Koeppen,Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of International Conference of Soft Computing and Human Sciences 2007 2007年04月
Gestalt Theory in Image Processing: A discussion paper 査読有り
Mario Koeppen,Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of IEEE Soft Computing in Industrial Applications 2007年04月
グループウェアにおける作業スペース共有方式がユーザ間の社会的関係構築に及ぼす影響:SenseWebの評価事例 査読有り
ロペス ロベルト,馬田 一郎,萩田 紀博,佐藤 知裕,吉田 香,苗村 昌秀
ヒューマンインタフェース学会 8 ( 1 ) 2006年04月
Analysis on Empathy-inducing Effect brought by Haiku 査読有り
Masami Suzuki,Yuichi Kobayashi,Takahiro Nakai and Kaori Yoshida
IEICE Trans. Inf & Syst. E90 2006年04月
Universal Representation of Image Functions by the Sprecher Construction 査読有り
Mario Koeppen,Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of The Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Soft Computing as Transdisciplinary Science and Technology (WSTST2005) 202 - 212 2005年04月
Evolutionary Change in Developmental Timing 査読有り
Kei Ohnishi,Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2005) 1561 - 1562 2005年04月
A Constructive Approach to Creating A Method for Generating Images 査読有り
Kei Ohnishi,Kaori Yoshida
Proc. of Fourth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems 346 - 351 2004年12月
A Constructive Approach to Image Understanding 査読有り
Kei Ohnishi,Kaori Yoshida
Proceeding of Joint 2nd International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 5th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS & ISIS 2004) 21 - 24 2004年09月
Contents Management System based on Kansei Information Processing -Investigation for Multimedia Contents Delivery Service- 査読有り
Kaori Yoshida
Proceeding of International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications 453 - 456 2004年08月
A 3D Model Search Engine for Cellular Phones 査読有り
Motofumi T. SUZUKI,Kaori YOSHIDA and Tatsuya SHIBATA
Proceedings of the 4th Japan-Korea International Symposium on Kansei Engineering 337 - 337 2003年10月
A Proposal of Kansei Description for Multimedia Contents 査読有り
Kaori Yoshida
7th International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering System 466 - 473 2003年04月
吉田 香,本村 陽一
ITX2002 IPA未踏ソフトウェア創造事業平成12年度成果論文集 2002年04月
Kansei Factor Analysis Using C4.5 査読有り
Kaori Yoshida
6th On-line World Conference on Soft Computing p089.pdf - p089.pdf 2001年09月
吉田 香,本村 陽一
ITX2001 IPA未踏ソフトウェア創造事業平成12年度成果論文集 2001年04月
Database System for Kansei-Oriented Communication 査読有り
Kaori YOSHIDA,Toshikazu Kato
2000 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation printing - printing 2000年10月
Generative user models for Adaptive Information Retrieval 査読有り
Yoichi Motomura,Kaori YOSHIDA,Kazunori Fujimoto
2000 IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics 665 - 670 2000年10月
A Study of Kansei Factor in Image Database System 査読有り
Kaori YOSHIDA,Toshikazu Kato
The 4th Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium 329 - 334 2000年06月
吉田 香
日本ファジィ学会誌 12 ( 4 ) 465 - 468 2000年04月
A Study of Database System with KANSEI Information 査読有り
Kaori YOSHIDA,Toshikazu KATO,Torao YANARU
IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetics VI-253-VI-256 1999年10月
Subjective Aspects in Image Database System 査読有り
Kaori YOSHIDA,Toshikazu KATO,Torao YANARU
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks CD-ROM 1999年07月
Image Retrieval System based on Subjective Interpretation 査読有り
Kaori YOSHIDA,Toshikazu KATO and Torao YANARU
Methodologies for the Conception Design and Application of Soft Computing 1 247 - 250 1998年04月
Image Retrieval System using Impression Words 査読有り
Kaori YOSHIDA,Toshikazu KATO and Torao YANARU
Proc. of 1998 IEEE Int'l Conf. on System Man and Cybernetics 2780 - 2784 1998年04月
A Model for Emotional Aspects on Visual Art Works 査読有り
Kaori YOSHIDA,Toshikazu KATO and Torao YANARU
Procs. of the 5th Int'l Conf. on Neural Information Processing 2 923 - 926 1998年04月
An Emotion Processing System Based on Fuzzy Inference and Subjective Observations 査読有り
Information Science 101 217 - 247 1997年04月
Supporting Human-Human Interaction beyond Cultural Backgrounds 査読有り
Toshikazu KATO, Tadayuki SOTA, Nadia BIANCHI and Kaori YOSHIDA
Procs. of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Basic Research Symposium 1997年04月
A Basic Concept of Human Cognitive Model Based on Subjective Observation 査読有り
Biomedical Fuzzy and Human Sciences 2 37 - 44 1996年04月
A Proposal of Emotional Processing Model 査読有り
Kaori YOSHIDA and Torao YANARU
Proc. of the 9th Int'l Conf. on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert System 563 - 568 1996年04月
A Proposal of Emotional Processing System Using Neural Cell Model 査読有り
Kaori YOSHIDA, Masahiro NAGAMATSU and Torao YANARU
Proc. of 1996 IEEE Int'l Conf. on System Man and Cybernetics accepted 1996年04月
A Proposal of Emotional Processing System 査読有り
Kaori YOSHIDA, Masahiro NAGAMATSU and Torao YANARU
Methodologies for the Conception Design and Application of Intelligent Systems 802 - 805 1996年04月
A Human Cognitive Model based on Mapping Function -An Application to Emotion Processing- 査読有り
Methodologies for the Conception Design and Application of Intelligent Systems 790 - 793 1996年04月
An Application of Frame Oriented Theory to Decision Processing and Evaluation of Psychiatric Diagnosis 査読有り
Biomedical Fuzzy and Human Sciences 1 15 - 20 1995年04月
A New Approach to Construct a Basic Concept of Human Cognitive Model based on Subjective Observation 査読有り
Procs. of the 6th Int'l Fuzzy Systems Association World Congress 2 321 - 324 1995年04月
A Proposal of Emotional Memory Model 査読有り
Kaori YOSHIDA and Torao YANARU
Proc. of the 2nd New Zealand Int'l Two-Stream Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert System 67 - 70 1995年04月
An Application of Frame Oriented Theory to decision processing and evaluation of medical diagnosis 査読有り
Kaori YOSHIDA and Torao YANARU
Procs. of the Int'l Joint Conf. of the 4th IEEE Int'l Conf. on Fuzzy Systems and the 2nd Int'l Fuzzy Engineering Symposium 2 497 - 502 1995年04月
Theory for Subjective Observation concerning Vectors derived from Frame Oriented Patterns -An application to decision processing and evaluation of medical diagnosis- 査読有り
Torao YANARU and Kaori YOSHIDA
Proc. of the 3rd Int'l Conf. on Fuzzy Logic Neural Nets and Soft Computing 319 - 322 1994年04月