論文 - 小田部 エドモンド荘司
A New Physical Reservoir Using the Complex Dynamics of Electric Fields in Type-II Superconductors Containing Pinning Centers Interacting with Quantized Magnetic Flux Lines 査読有り
Ken Arita, Tenma Ueda, Edmund Soji Otabe, Yuki Usami, Hirofumi Tanaka, Tetsuya Matsuno
Physica C 662 1354522 2024年05月
Study of Magnetic-Field Distribution Around the High-Tc Superconducting DC Cable 査読有り
D. Ohkura, N. Chikumoto, Y. Zhang, E. S. Otabe
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 34 9001105 2024年05月
Optimization methods for HTS DC and AC cables with longitudinal magnetic field effect 査読有り
E.S. Otabe, T. Akasaka, V.V. Zubko, S.S. Fetisov, S.Yu. Zanegin, A.A. Nosov, V.S. Vysotsky
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 34 4803605 2024年05月
Lightweight and Large-Current HTS Stacked Tape Conductor 査読有り
Shuhei Kawai, Masae Kanda, Yury Ivanov, Edmund Soji Otabe, Sataro Yamaguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 34 4803407 2024年05月
Magnetic field dependence of critical currents of cross-type Josephson junctions with inhomogeneous critical current density under oblique magnetic fields 査読有り
Soma Haraoka, Edmund Soji Otabe and Yasunori Mawatari
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 63 043001 2024年05月
ОптимизацияВТСПкабелейпостоянногоипеременноготокас учетомэффектапродольногомагнитногополя 査読有り
В.В. Зубко, С.Ю. Занегин, С.С. Фетисов, В.С. Высоцкий, А.А. Носов, Э.С. Отабе, Т. Акасака
Сверхпроводимость: фундаментальные и прикладные исследования 1 53 2024年05月
Explicit Structure-Preserving Integrators for Dissipative and Conservative Nonlinear Time Dependent Schroedinger Equations with Gauge Fields 査読有り
Tetsuya Matsuno, Edmund Soji Otabe, Yasunori Mawatari, Ryo Tabata
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 92 074004 2023年07月
Possibility of regional revitalization by students' IT 査読有り 国際誌
Edmund Soji Otabe, Yusei Hyodo, Takafumi Miyasato
Journal of Digital Life 3 7 2023年04月
Test and analysis of Jc for superconducting DC power cable under longitudinal magnetic field effect 査読有り
Hu Nannan, Wei Kejia, Yushi Kinoshita, Tomoyuki Akasaka, Edmund Soji Otabe, Baolong Ni, Ma Tao, Xia Yaun
Cryogenics & Superconductivity 50 8 2022年10月
Study on performance improvement of superconductive-assisted machining (SUAM) with superconducting tape 査読有り 国際誌
S. Iwasaki, Y. Kinoshita, H. Ishii, E. S. Otabe, T. Nakasaki, K. Suzuki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2323 012025 2022年07月
The feasibility design study and cold test of the first model of HTS cable with the longitudinal magnetic field effect 査読有り 国際誌
S.S. Fetisov, V.V. Zubko, S.Yu. Zanegin, V.S. Vysotsky, A.A. Nosov, E.S. Otabe, Y. Kinoshita, T. Akasaka
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 32 2022年06月
Study on the SUAM Doulbe Magnet System for Polishing 査読有り 国際誌
Tatsuya Nakasaki, Yushi Kinoshita, Panart Khajornrungruang, Edmund Soji Otabe, Keisuke Suzuki
International Journal of Automation Technology 15 503 - 511 2021年05月
Design and evaluation of 10-kA class superconducting DC power cable based on longitudinal magnetic field effec 査読有り 国際誌
Y. Kinoshita, T. Yonenaka, Y. Ichiki, T. Akasaka, E. S. Otabe, M. Kiuchi, T. Matsushita, N. Hu, B. Ni, T. Ma
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1975 012037 2021年05月
Study on Polishing Method Using Magnetic Levitation Tool in Superconductive-Assisted Machining 査読有り 国際誌
Hidetaka Nakashima, Tatsuya Nakasaki, Tatsuhiro Tanaka, Yushi Kinoshita, Yuki Tanaka, Panart Khajornrungruang, Edmund Soji Otabe, Keisuke Suzuki
International Journal of Automation Technology 15 234 - 242 2021年05月
Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Simulation of Critical Current Density Including z-axis Anisotropy 査読有り 国際誌
Rina Yonezuka, Yusei Hamada, Kazunori Kamiji, Edmund Soji Otabe, Yasunori Mawatari, Tetsuya Matsuno
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1857 2021 2021年04月
The possibility of increasing the direct current of HTSC cables due to the effect of the longitudinal magnetic field 査読有り 国際誌
S. Yu. Zanegin, V. V. Zubko, A. A. Nosov, S. S. Fetisov, E. S. Otabe, Y. Kinoshita, T. Akasaka
Cable and Wires 387 19 - 24 2021年03月
Estimation of Machine Parameters in Superconducting Transformer using Differential Evolution 査読有り 国際誌
T. Yonenaka, T. Muraoka, Y. Ichiki, E. S. Otabe, Y. Tokunaga
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1590 012056 5 pages 2020年07月
Evaluation of superconductor assisted machining (SUAM) with superconducting coated conductors using the finite element method 査読有り 国際誌
Y. Kinoshita, R. Zhang, E. S. Otabe, K. Suzuki, Y. Tanaka, H. Nakashima, T. Nakasaki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1590 012023 6 pages 2020年07月
Evaluation of Critical Current in Junction of Superconductors with Crack Using Finite Element Method 査読有り
Ruizhe Zhang, Yushi Kinoshita, Edmund Soji Otabe, Tomoyuki Akasaka, Atsushi Ishihara, Masaru Tomita
Physica C 577 1353733 2020年07月
Explicit Integrators Based on a Bipartite Lattice and a Pair of Affine Transformations to Solve Quantum Equations with Gauge Fields 査読有り
Tetsuya Matsuno, Edmund Soji Otabe, Yasunori Mawatari
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 89 054006-1 - 054006-13 2020年04月
Evaluation of Layer Thickness Dependence of Critical Current Density using Longitudinal Magnetic Field Effect in Superconducting Coated Conductors 査読有り 国際誌
T. Yonenaka, E. S. Otabe, V. Vyatkin, S. Lee, T. Akune, T. Nishizaki
Journal of Physics: Conference Serie 1293 012017 2019年11月
TDGL Simulation on Angular Dependence of Critical Current Density in Superconductors with Columnar Defects 査読有り 国際誌
Rina Yonezuka, Yusei Hamada, Kazunori Kamiji, Kenta Tanimura, Takaki Yoshihara, Edmund Soji Otabe, Yasunori Mawatari, Tetsuya Matsuno
Journal of Physics: Conference Serie 1293 012018 2019年11月
Study on polishing method using magnetic levitation tool by superconductin 査読有り
Yuki Tanaka, Hidetaka Nakashima, Yuta Hiramatsu, Panart Khajornrungruang, Edmund Soji Otabe, Keisuke Suzuki
Journal of the Japan Society for Abrasive Technology 62 219 - 220 2018年04月
Round Robin Test of Residual Resistance Ratio of Nb3Sn Composite Superconductors 査読有り
Matsushita T., Otabe E., Kim D., Hwang T., Gao H., Liu F., Liu H., Cooley L., Turrioni D., Raine M., Hampshire D.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 28 ( 2 ) 2018年03月
The influence of winding direction of two-layer HTS DC cable on the critical current 査読有り
Vyatkin V., Kashiwagi K., Ivanov Y., Otabe E., Yamaguchi S.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 897 ( 1 ) 2017年09月
Evaluation of Magnetic Cutting and Polishing with Superconducting Bulks 査読有り
Hiramatsu Y., Takahashi Y., Otabe E., Suzuki K., Tanaka Y., Kiuchi M.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 871 ( 1 ) 2017年07月
Determination of Pinning Parameters in Flux Creep-Flow Model for E-J characteristics of High Temperature Superconductors by using Differential Evolution 査読有り
Otabe E., Taguchi T., Tsuruda Y., Funaki R.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 871 ( 1 ) 2017年07月
Ferromagnetic Coating for Decreasingof Self-Magnetic Field Acting on HTS Tapes 査読有り
Vyatkin V., Kashiwagi K., Sun J., Ivanov Y., Otabe E., Yamaguchi S.
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 27 ( 4 ) 2017年06月
Evaluation of Trapped Magnetic Field Properties in Superconducting MgB2 Bulk Magnets of Various Shapes by Finite Element Method 査読有り
Y. Hiramatsu, E.S. Otabe, M. Kiuchi
Physics Procedia 81 69 - 72 2016年07月
Critical Current Properties in Longitudinal Magnetic Field of YBCO Superconductor with APC 査読有り
R. Kido, M. Kiuchi, E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, A.K. Jha, K. Matsumoto
Physics Procedia 81 117 - 120 2016年07月
Observation of self-magnetic field relaxations in Bi2223 and Y123 HTS tapes after over-current pulse and DC current operation 査読有り
M. Tallouli, J. Sun, N. Chikumoto, E.S. Otabe, O. Shyshkin, S. Charfi-Kaddour, S. Yamaguchi
Cryogenics 77 53 - 58 2016年07月
Current Imbalance and AC Losses of Long-Distance DC HTS Cable 査読有り
Yury Ivanov, Vladimir Vyatkin, Hirofumi Watanabe, Noriko Chikumoto, Makoto Hamabe, Jian Sun, Hirohisa Takano, Satarou Yamaguchi, Edmund Otabe
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 26 5900404 4pages 2016年07月
Evaluation of trapped magnetic field properties in superconducting MgB$_2$ bulk magnets by finite element method 査読有り
S. Mizukami, E. S. Otabe, K. Yoshitomi , Vladimir S. Vyatkin, M. Kiuchi, T. Matsushita
Physics Procedia 65 241 - 244 2015年07月
Design of Practical Superconducting DC Power Cable With REBCO Coated Conductors 査読有り
Vladimir S. Vyatkin, Masaru Kiuchi, Edmund S. Otabe, Teruo Matsushita
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25 6606207 6606207(7pp) 2015年05月
Fault-Current Limiting Properties in Innovative Force-Free Superconducting DC Cable 査読有り
T. Matsushita, M. Kiuchi, E. S. Otabe, V. S. Vyatkin
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25 5401704 5401704(4pp) 2015年05月
Current-carrying capacity of single layer cable using superconducting Bi-2223 tapes in a parallel magnetic field 査読有り
V. S. Vyatkin, M. Kiuchi, E. S. Otabe, M. Ohya, T. Matsushita
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 28 015011 015011 (3pp) 2015年04月
824 超伝導体を用いた磁気援用加工技術に関する研究 査読有り
日高 裕, 鈴木 恵友, 副島 一紀, カチョーンルンルアン パナート, 松田 将和, 小田部 荘司
日本機械学会九州支部講演論文集 2015 ( 0 ) 347 - 348 2015年01月
AC loss of ripple current in superconducting DC power transmission cable 査読有り
K. Yoshitomi, E.S. Otabe, V.S. Vyatkin, M. Kiuchi, T. Matsushita, M. Hamada, S. Yamaguchi, R. Inada
Physics Procedia 58 326 - 329 2014年06月
Design of high current superconducting DC power cable using the longitudinal magnetic field configuration 査読有り
T. Matsushita, V. S. Vyatkin, M. Kiuchi, E. S. Otabe
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 1574 225 - 231 2014年04月
Fabrication of 1 T Bi-2223 Superconducting Magnet with 92 mm Bore Diameter at 77 K 査読有り
Edmund S. Otabe, Vladimir S. Vyatkin, Masaru Kiuchi, Teruo Matsushita, Baorong Ni, Takeshi Kato, Takashi Nishimura, Ryota Uetsuki
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 1573 754 - 759 2014年04月
Current-carrying capacity of HTS DC cables with the reduced Lorentz force 査読有り
Vyatkin V., Tanabe K., Otabe E., Kiuchi M., Matsushita T.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 507 ( PART 2 ) 2014年01月
高性能超電導電力ケーブルの設計 査読有り
松下照男, Vladimir S. Vyatkin, 木内勝, 小田部荘司
低温工学 48 ( 11 ) 569 - 576 2013年11月
Flux Pinning Properties of BHO Pinning Centers at High Magnetic Fields in GdBCO Coated Conductors 査読有り
T. Matsushtia, H. Nagamizu, K. Tanabe, M. Kiuchi, E.S. Otabe , H. Tobita, M. Yoshizumi, T. Izumi, Y. Shiohara, D. Yokoe, T. Kato, T. Hirayama
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 23 8000304 2013年05月
Numerical estimation of AC loss in superconductors with ripple current 査読有り
E.S. Otabe, S. Komatsu, V.S. Vyatkin, M. Kiuchi, T. Kawahara, S. Yamaguchi
Physica C 494 173 - 176 2013年04月
Critical current densities of Sr0.6K0.4Fe2As2 superconductors estimated from AC susceptibilities 査読有り
Subaru Setoyama, Junichi Kinoshita, Tadahiro Akune, Nobuyoshi Sakamoto, Kouji Murakami, Nobuyuki Yoshida, Masaru Kiuchi, Edmund Soji Otabe, Teruo Matsushita, Jun Ge, Baorong Ni, Lei Wang, Yanpeng Qi, Xianping Zhang, Zhaoshun Gao, Yanwei Ma
Physica C 484 35 - 38 2013年04月
松下照男, 木内勝, 小田部荘司, Vladimir S. Vyatkin
超電導応用電力機器研究会 55 - 59 ASC-13-032 2013年04月
Calculation of critical current in DC HTS cable using longitudinal magnetic field effect 査読有り
V.S. Vyatkin, K. Tanabe, J. Wada, M. Kiuchi, E.S. Otabe, T.Matsushita
Physica C 494 135 - 139 2013年04月
Critical Current Characteristics and Flux Pinning in Fe-based Pnictide Superconductor 査読有り
Baorong Ni, Edmund S. Otabe, Masaru Kiuchi, Yanwei Ma
Materials Science Forum 750 288 - 292 2013年01月
Parametric analysis of flux creep-flow model by using genetic algorithm 査読有り
J. Minami, T. Edamoto, K. Uryu, T. Ishibashi, E.S. Otabe, M. Kiuchi
Physics Procedia, 27 244 - 247 2012年04月
Estimation of AC loss in cylindrical superconductor with ripple current 査読有り
E.S. Otabe, K. Ohashi, M. Kiuchi, T. Kawahara, S. Yamaguchi
Physics Procedia, 27 248 - 251 2012年04月
Critical current densities and force-displacement characteristics of fluxoids in Ba1-xKxFe2As2 single crystal 査読有り
B. Ni, J. Ge, M. Kiuchi, E. S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, C. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Ma
Physics Procedia, 36 704 - 709 2012年04月
Condensation energy density properties of Ba-122 pnictide superconductor with columnar defects introduced by heavy-ion irradiation 査読有り
E. S. Otabe, K. Myose, K. Murakami, M. Kiuchi, T. Matsushita, J. Ge, B. Ni, Y. Nakajima, T. Tamegai
Physics Procedia 36 693 - 697 2012年04月
Evaluation of Critical Current Density of FeAs-based Superconductors 招待有り
Edmund S. Otabe, Masaru Kiuchi, Teruo Matsushita, Baorong Ni, Yanpeng Qi, Lei Wang, Zhaoshun Gao, Dongliang Wang, Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Yasuyuki Nakajima, Tsuyoshi Tamegai
Superconductivity and Cryogenics 14 ( 2 ) 1 - 7 2012年04月
Development of an MgB2 Coil Wound With a Parallel Conductor Composed of Two Tapes With Insulation 査読有り
A. Kawagoe, K. Matsushima, Y. Yoshidome, S. Kawabata, F. Sumiyoshi, N. Yanagi, T. Mito, M. Kiuchi, E. S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, K. Tanaka and T. Wakuda
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 21 1612 - 1615 2011年08月
Estimations of critical current densities and super-current path in iron-based pnictides superconducors 査読有り
Baorong Ni, Jun Ge, Uri Tanaka, Edmund Soji Otabe, Masaru Kiuchi, Teruo Matsushtia, Zaoshun Gao, Lei Wang, Yanpeng Qi, Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 21 2862 - 2865 2011年08月
Field Angle Dependence of Critical Current Density in YGdBCO Coated Conductor 査読有り
M. Kiuchi, T. Koida, J. Minami, Y. Takahashi, E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, M. Miura, T. Izumi, Y. Shiohara, T. Kato
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 21 3210 - 3213 2011年08月
Superconducting layer thickness dependence of magnetic relaxation property in CVD processed YGdBCO coated conductors 査読有り
Y. Takahashia, M. Kiuchi, E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, K. Shikimachi, T. Watanabe, N. Kashima, S. Nagaya
Physica C 471 1025 - 1028 2011年05月
Effect of distribution of powder size on estimation of critical current densities in polycrystalline Sr0.6K0.4Fe2As2 superconductors 査読有り
K. Murakami, T. Mayumi, M. Kiuchi, E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, J. Ge, B. Ni, L. Wang, Y. Qi, X. Zhang, Z. Gao, Y. Ma
Physica C 471 912 - 915 2011年05月
Evaluation of geometrical effect on magnetization loss in GdBCO coated conductor 査読有り
Y. Nakayama,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,H. Okamoto,T. Saito,T. Izumi
Physica C 470 1315 - 1317 2010年04月
Influence of nanoparticles on critical current properties in TFA-MOD processed YGdBCO coated conductor 査読有り
Masaru Kiuchi,Fumiya Matsutani,Yuji Takahashi,Edmund S. Otabe,Teruo Matsushita,Masashi Miura,Teruo Izumi,Yuh Shiohara
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 234 022018 - 022018 2010年04月
Bi-2223 superconducting magnet generating over 1T in liquid nitrogen 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,S. Nemoto,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,T. Hayashi,K. Fujino,B. Ni
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 234 032046 - 032046 2010年04月
Critical current characteristics and history dependence in superconducting SmFeAsOF bulk 査読有り
B. Ni,J. Ge,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,Z. Gao,L. Wang,Y. Qi,X. Zhang,Y. M
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 234 012028 - 012028 2010年04月
Critical current properties at high magnetic fields in polycrystallineMgB2 superconductors 査読有り
T. Matsushita,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,A. Yamamoto,J. Shimoyama,K. Kishio
Physica C 470 1406 - 1410 2010年04月
Effect of number of filaments on the critical current densityin multifilamentary Bi-2223 tape 査読有り
S. Ueno,S. Yamashita,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,N. Ayai,M. Kikuchi,K. Hayashi,K. Sato
Physica C 470 1380 - 1383 2010年04月
Critical current density properties in polycrystalline Sr0.6K0.4Fe2As2 superconductor 査読有り
N. Yoshida,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,J. Ge,B. Ni,L. Wang,Y. Qi ,X. Zhang,Z. Gao,Y. Ma
Physica C 470 1216 - 1218 2010年04月
Influence of nanoparticles on flux pinning properties in TFA-MOD processed YGdBCO coated conductor 査読有り
F. Matsutani,Y. Takahashi,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,M. Miura,T. Izumi,Y. Shiohara
Physica C 470 1411 - 1414 2010年04月
Estimation of magnetic relaxation property for CVD processedYBCO-coated conductors 査読有り
Y. Takahashi,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,K. Shikimachi,T. Watanabe ,N. Kashima,S. Nagaya
Physica C 470 1284 - 1287 2010年04月
Improvement of Electromagnetic Properties of MgB2 Filaments due to Deformation to Tape Shape 査読有り
A. Kawagoe, Y. Wakabayashi, K. Matsushima, Y. Yoshidome, S. Kawabata, F. Sumiyoshi, N. Yanagi, T. Mito, M. Kiuchi, E. S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, M. Takahashi, T. Wakuda
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superdoncudtivity 20 1601 - 1604 2010年04月
Critical current properties of Ag added Sr0.6K0.4Fe2As2 査読有り
E.S. Otabe,N. Yoshida,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,J. Ge,B. Ni,L. Wang,Y. Qi,X. Zhang,Z. Gao,D. Wang,Y. Ma
Physica C 470 S413 - S415 2010年04月
RE-211相粒子を添加した(Nd, Eu, Gd)Ba$_2$Cu$_3$O$_y$ 超電導体の高温度領域の磁束ピンニング特 査読有り
木内 勝,Mohammed N. HASAN,小田部荘司,松下照男,Miryala MURALIDHAR
低温工学 44 ( 12 ) 579 - 586 2009年04月
Fabrication of a working Bi-2223 superconducting magnet cooled by liquid nitrogen 査読有り
E.S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,K. Fujino,K. Ohmatsu,B. Ni
Cryogenic 49 267 - 270 2009年04月
Superconducting layer thickness of relaxation properties of persistent current in high magnetic field in YBCO-coated conductor 査読有り
F. Matsutani,K. Himeki,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,S. Miyata,A. Ibi,Y. Yamada,Y. Shiohara
Physica C 469 1122 - 1125 2009年04月
Yeast cells proliferation on various strong static magnetic Fields and temperatures 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,S. Kuroki,J. Nikawa,Y. Matsumoto,T. Ooba,K. Kiso,H. Hayashi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 156 012016.1 - 012016.8 2009年04月
Evaluation of anisotropy of critical current density in stoichiometric Bi-2212 single crystals 査読有り
Y. Nakayama,S. Kawai,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,J. Shimoyama,K. Kishio
Physica C 469 1221 - 1223 2009年04月
Dependence of superconducting layer thickness on critical current density of IBAD/CVD-processed YBCO coated conductors 査読有り
K. Himeki,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,K. Shikimachi,T. Watanabe,N. Kashima,S. Nagaya,Y. Yamada,Y. Shiohara
Physica C 469 1457 - 1460 2009年04月
Global and local critical current density in superconducting SmFeAsO$_{1-x}$F$_x$ measured by two methods 査読有り
E.S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,S. Kawai,Y. Morita,J. Ge,B. Ni,Z. Gao,L. Wang,Y. Qi,X. Zhang,Y. Ma
Physica C 469 1940 - 1944 2009年04月
Evaluation of critical current density in multifilamentary Bi-2223 tapes with different lead compositions 査読有り
S. Ueno,S. Takayama,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,N. Ayai,M. Kikuchi,K. Hayashi,K. Sato
Physica C 469 1485 - 1487 2009年04月
AC Magnetic Flux Profile and Critical Current Density Obtained by Campbell's Method in Polycrystalline MgB$_2$ 査読有り
B. Ni,Y. Morita,Z. Liu,C. Liu,K. Himeki,E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushtia
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 19 3529 - 3532 2009年04月
Bi-2223 superconducting magnet working in sub cooled liquid nitrogen 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,T. Hayashi,K. Ohmatsu,B. Ni
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2008 889 - 893 2008年07月
Wideband-RL-cancel circuit for the E-J property measurement using the third-harmonic voltage method 査読有り
H. Yamada,T. Minakuchi,T. Furuta,K. Takegami,S. Nakagawa,K. Kanayama,K. Hirachi,E. S. Otabe,Y. Mawatari,H. Yamasaki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97 012005.1 - 012005.8 2008年04月
Effect of $n$-value on third harmonic voltage method analyzed by finiteelement method 査読有り
T. Yoshida,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,H. Okamoto
Physica C 468 1679 - 1684 2008年04月
Relaxation properties of persistent current in YBCO-coated conductors 査読有り
K. Himeki,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,S. Miyata,A. Ibi,Y. Yamada,Y. Shiohara
Physica C 468 1674 - 1678 2008年04月
Evaluation of field-angle anisotropy of critical current in multifilamentary Bi-2223 tapes prepared by CT-OP process 査読有り
S. Takayama,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,N. Ayai,J. Fujikami,K. Hayashi,K. Sato
Physica C 468 1779 - 1682 2008年04月
Estimation of critical current density and grain connectivity in superconducting MgB$_2$ bulk using Campbell's method 査読有り
B. Ni,Y. Morita,Z. Liu,C. Liu,K. Himeki,E.S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita
Physica C 468 1443 - 1446 2008年04月
Effect of heavy ion irradiation on critical current property in DyBCO coated conductors 査読有り
G. Isobe,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,S. Okayasu,W. Prusseit
Physica C 468 1656 - 1660 2008年04月
Dependence of superconducting layer thickness on critical current density of YBCO-coated conductors at high temperatures 査読有り
K. Kimura,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,S. Miyata,A. Ibi,Y. Yamada,Y. Shiohara
Physica C 463-465 697 - 701 2007年04月
Evaluation of film thickness dependency of the reversible fluxoid motion in the third harmonic voltage method 査読有り
T. Yoshida,M. Shibata,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,M. Futamura,H. Konishi,S. Miyata,A. Ibi,Y. Yamada,Y. Shiohara
Physica C 463-465 692 - 696 2007年04月
Flux pinning properties of (Nd, Eu, Gd)Ba2Cu3Oy(NEG-123) superconductor with 211 phase particles 査読有り
Mohammed N. Hasan,Masaru Kiuchi,Edmund S. Otabe,Teruo Matsushita,Miryala Muralidhar
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 20 345 - 350 2007年04月
Critical current properties in multifilamentary Bi-2223 tape produced by the over pressure processing 査読有り
M. Kiuchi,S. Takayama,E.S. Otabe T. Matsushita,J. Fujikami,K. Hayashi,K. Sato
Physica C 463-465 825 - 828 2007年04月
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
九州工業大学 情報科学センター広報 19 23 - 33 2007年01月
Pinning characteristics at high fields in superconducting (Bi,Pb)-2223 single crystals 査読有り
I. Kohno,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,T. Nomura,T. Motohashi,M. Karppinen,H. Yamauchi,S. Okayasu
Physica C 445-448 137 - 140 2006年04月
Effects of over pressure sintering for Bi-2223 silver-sheathed tape 査読有り
Y. Himeda,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,J. Fujikami,K. Hayashi,K. Sato
Physica C 445-448 445 - 448 2006年04月
Critical current characteristics in MgB2 bulks 査読有り
M. Kiuchi,H. Mihara,K. Kimura,T. Haraguchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,A. Yamamoto,J. Shimoyama,T. Matsushita,A. Yamamoto,J. Shimoyama,K. Kishio
Physica C 445-448 474 - 477 2006年04月
Influence of anisotropy and pinning centers on critical current properties in Bi-2212 superconductors 査読有り
T. Haraguchi,S. Takayama,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,T. Yasuda,S. Okayasu,S. Uchida,J. Shimoyama,K. Kishio
Physica C 445-448 123 - 127 2006年04月
Film thickness dependence of critical current characteristics of YBCO-coated conductors 査読有り
K. Kimura,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,S. Miyata,A. Ibi,T. Muroga,Y. Yamada,Y. Shiohara
Physica C 445-448 141 - 145 2006年04月
Condensation energy density of superconducting Bi-2223 single crystals 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,I. Kohno,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,T. Nomura,T. Motohashi,M. Karppinen,H. Yamauchi,S. Okayasu
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering 52 805 - 812 2006年04月
Generation of highly stable DC current by using a superconducting transformer 査読有り
B. Ni,S. Hakoda,E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series(European Conference on Applied Superconductivity 2005) 43 837 - 840 2005年09月
Numerical calculation of third harmonic voltage induced byashielding current in a superconducting thick film 査読有り
T. Nadami,E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,Y. Mawatari,H. Yamasaki,Y. Nagkagawa
Physica C 426-431 688 - 692 2005年04月
Finite-size effect on Neel temperature in antiferromagnetic nanoparticles 査読有り
X. G. Zheng,C. N. Xu,K. Nishikubo,K. Nishiyama,W. Higemoto,W. J. Moon,E. Tanaka,E. S. Otabe
Physical Review B 72 014464 - 1 2005年04月
Evaluation of anisotropy of $J_{\rm c}$ in silver-sheathed Bi-2223 tape 査読有り
Y. Himeda,M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita
Physica C 426-431 1170 - 1175 2005年04月
Flux pinning property in a single crystal NdBa2Cu3Oy superconductor 査読有り
M. N. Hasan,T. Kurokawa,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,N. Chikumoto,T. Machi,M. Muralidhar,M. Murakami
Physica C 426-431 295 - 299 2005年04月
第三高調波電圧誘導法を用いた超電導薄膜の$J_{\rm c}$評価に及ぼす磁束線の可逆運動の影響 査読有り
福元 陽介,木内 勝,小田部 荘司,松下 照男,木須 隆暢,渡部智則,宮田 成紀,衣斐 顕,室賀 岳海,山田 穣,塩原 融
TEION KOUGAKU (J. Cryo. Soc. Jpn.) 40 ( 4 ) 116 - 122 2005年04月
Bending strain effect on critical current of Bi-2223superconductor tapes---report of international round-robin-test 査読有り
T. Kuroda,K. Itoh,K. Katagiri,W. Goldacker,W. haessler,B. ten Haken,M. Kiuchi,K. Noto,S. Ochiai,S. Otabe,H.S. Shin,J. Sosnowski,H. Weijers,H. Wada,K. Kumakura
Physica C 425 111 - 120 2005年04月
Numerical calculation of third harmonic voltage induced byashielding current in a superconducting thick film 査読有り
T. Matsushita,T. Watanabe,Y. Fukumoto,K. Yamauchi,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Kiss,T. Watanabe,S. Miyata,A. Ibi,T. Muroga,Y. Yamada,Y. Shiohara
Physica C 426-431 1096 - 1102 2005年04月
A standard method of measurement of the irreversibilityfield for bulk RE-123 superconductors 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,M. N. Hasan,T. Matsushita
Superconductor Science and Technology 18 S219 - S222 2005年04月
Critical current density at low temperatures in Bi-2212 superconductor with small anisotropy 査読有り
T. Haraguchi,T. Imada,M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,T. Yasuda,S. Okayasu,S. Uchida,J. Shimoyama,K. Kishio
Physica C 426-431 304 - 308 2005年04月
Temperature Dependence of AC Transport Current Loss of QMG Bulk Superconductor 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,T. Watanabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,M. Morita
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44 ( 10 ) 7436 - 7439 2005年04月
Dependence of induced third harmonic voltage on width of superconducting coated conductor 査読有り
T. Nadami,E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita
Physica C 412-414 1011 - 1014 2004年04月
Evaluation of E-J characteristics of YBCO coatedconductor by AC inductive method using third-harmonic voltage 査読有り
Y. Fukumoto,M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,H. Sawa,M. Inoue,T. Kiss,Y. Iijima,K. Kakimoto,T. Saitoh
Physica C 412-414 1036 - 1040 2004年04月
Antiferromagnetic transition in atacamite Cu2Cl(OH)3 査読有り
X. G. Zheng,E. S. Otabe
Solid State Communications 130 107 - 109 2004年04月
Dependence of AC losses on aspect ratio in superconductingwires with rectangular cross section 査読有り
K. Kajikawa,T. Hayashi,K. Funaki,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita
Physica C 412-414 1045 - 1049 2004年04月
Relationship between condensation energy and dimensionality of Bi-2212 superconductor 査読有り
K. Okamura,M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,T. Yasuda,S. Okayasu,S. Uchida,J. Shimoyama,K. Kishio
Physica C 412-414 416 - 421 2004年04月
Effect of sheath material on critical currentcharacteristics of MgB$_2$ at high temperatures 査読有り
M. Kiuchi,K. Yamauchi,T. Kurokawa,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,M. Okada,K. Tanaka,H. Kumakura,H. Kitaguchi
Physica C 412-414 1189 - 1193 2004年04月
Relationship between Condensation energy and Anisotropy in Bi-2212 Superconductor 査読有り
T. Matsushita,K. Okamura,M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Yasuda,S. Okayasu
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (Internaional Cryogenic Materials Conference ICMC) 50 627 - 634 2003年09月
V-I characteristics and n-values of multifilamentary NbTi wires 査読有り
K. Tsuchiya,T. Kobayashi,A. Terashima,T. Shintomi,N. Banno,K. Itoh,S. Nimori,T. Takeuchi,E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita
Applied Superconductivity 2003 (Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity) 2298 - 2305 2003年09月
Size dependencies of the peak effect and irreversibility field in superconducting Sm-123 powders 査読有り
T. Matsushita,E. S. Otabe,H. Wada,Y. Takahama,H. Yamauchi
Physica C 397 38 - 46 2003年04月
Angular dependence of irreversibility field in Y-123 coated tape 査読有り
M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,T. Kuga,M. Inoue,T. Kiss,Y. Iijima,K. Kakimoto,T. Saitoh
Physica C 392-396 1063 - 1067 2003年04月
Enhancement of Critical Current Density and Flux Pinning in Bi-2212 Thick Films Due to MgO Addition 査読有り
B. Ni,M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 13 ( 2 ) 3695 - 3698 2003年04月
Pinning Property of Bi-2212 Single Crystals With Columnar Defects 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,K. Okamura,H. Wada,M. Kiuchi,T. Yasuda,S. Okayasu,T. Matsushita
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 13 ( 2 ) 3083 - 3086 2003年04月
Theoretical analysis of AC transport current loss in bulk Y-123 査読有り
M. Migita,T. Watanabe,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita
Physica C 392-396 639 - 642 2003年04月
Evaluation of E-J characteristics of YBCO-coated conductor in a wide range of electric field 査読有り
K. Yamauchi,M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,T. Kuga,M. Inoue,T. Kiss,Y. Iijima,K. Kakimoto,T. Saitoh
Physica C 392-396 1073 - 1077 2003年04月
Numerical calculation of critical current density and third harmonic voltage in superconducting films 査読有り
H. Wada,M. Migita,E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,Y. Mawatari,H. Yamasaki,Y. Nakagawa
Physica C 392-396 1310 - 1314 2003年04月
Numerical analysis of AC current loss in QMG fault current limiter by finite element method 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,M. Migita,M. Watanabe,T. Matsushita,M. Morita(Nippon Steel)
Physica C 382 127 - 131 2002年10月
Thickness dependence of irreversibility field in Bi-2212 thin films 査読有り
H. Wada,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,T. Yasuda,T. Uchiyama(Tokyo Inst. Tech.),I. Iguchi(Tokyo Inst. Tech.),Z. Wang(Communications Res. Lab.)
Physica C 378-381 570 - 574 2002年10月
Magnetic characterization of superconducting MgB2 査読有り
M. Fukuda,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita
Physica C 378-381 239 - 243 2002年10月
Flux pinning property and peak effect in Y-123 bulk superconductor with changed oxygen content 査読有り
D. Yoshimi,M. Migita,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita
Physica C 378-381 788 - 793 2002年10月
Theoretical analysis of E‐J characteristics in a Bi-2223 silver-sheathed tape 査読有り
T. Kodama,M. Fukuda,S. Nishimura(Kyushu Univ.),E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi(Kyushu Univ.),T. Kiss(Kyushu Univ.),T. Matsushita,K. Itoh(NIMS)
Physica C 378-381 575 - 579 2002年10月
Y-123超電導体のピンニング特性に及ぼす脱酸素の影響 査読有り
低温工学 37 ( 8 ) 54 - 60 2002年08月
冷凍機冷却を用いた交流通電損失計測用1,000A級小型酸化物超電導トランスの動作試験 査読有り
低温工学 37 ( 8 ) 135 - 141 2002年08月
Fabrication of 1 kA class oxide superconducting transformer cooled by cryocooler for AC transport measurement 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,T. Yasuda,T. Matsushita,M. Iwakuma(Kyushu Univ.),T. Bohno(Fuji Electric)
Physica C 372-376 1711 - 1714 2002年08月
Flux Pinning and Peak Effect in Y-123 Superconductor 査読有り
D. Yoshimi,M. Migita,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita
Physica C 357-360 590 - 593 2001年09月
Pinning mechanism of the peak effect in melt-processed Y-123 superconductors 査読有り
T. Matsushita,D. Yoshimi,M. Migita,E. S. Otabe
Supercond. Sci. Technol. 14 ( - ) 732 - 737 2001年09月
Effect of Filament Sausaging on Current-Voltage Characteristics in a Superconducting Bi-2223 Tape 査読有り
Y. Ueno,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,M. Kiuchi(Kyushu Univ.)
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Proceedings of the International Cryogenic Materials Conference - ICMC Vol. 48 1110 - 1117 2001年07月
Dependence of Irreversibility and Vortex Glass-Liquid Transition Fields on Electric Field Criterion in a Superconducting Bi-2223 Tape 査読有り
T. Matsushita,M. Fukuda,T. Kodama,E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi(Kyushu Univ.),T. Kiss(Kyushu Univ.),T. Akune(Kyushu Sangyo Univ.),N. Sakamoto(Kyushu Sangyo Univ.),K. Itoh(NRIM)
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering: Proceedings of the International Cryogenic Materials Conference - ICMC Vol. 48 1193 - 1200 2001年07月
E-J characteristics in a wide range of electric field for a Bi-2223 silver-sheathed tape wire 査読有り
T. Kodama,M. Fukuda,K. Shiraishi (Kyushu Univ.),S. Nishimura (Kyushu Univ.),E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi (Kyushu Univ.),T. Kiss (Kyushu Univ.),T. Matsushita,K. Itoh (NRIM)
Physica C 357-360 ( 1 ) 582 - 585 2001年04月
AC current loss of a meander-shaped QMG current limiting device 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,T. Endo,T. Matsushita,M. Morita (Nippon Steel)
Physica C 357-360 ( 1 ) 878 - 881 2001年04月
Current-Voltage Characteristics in a Superconducting Bi-2223 Tape in the Range of Very Low Electric Field 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,T. Kodama,M. Fukuda,T. Matsushita,K. Itoh (NRIM)
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 11 ( 1 ) 3935 - 3938 2001年04月
Irreversibility field of Bi-2223 silver-sheathed tape determined with different electric field criteria 査読有り
M. Fukuda,T. Kodama,K. Shiraishi (Kyushu Univ.),S. Nishimura (Kyushu Univ.),E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi (Kyushu Univ.),T. Kiss (Kyushu Univ.),T. Matsushita,K. Itoh (NRIM)
Physica C 357-360 ( 1 ) 586 - 589 2001年04月
Charge-Spin-Orbital Coupling in CuO 査読有り
X. G. Zheng (Saga Univ.),E. Tanaka (Kyushu Univ.),Y. Tomokiyo (Kyushu Univ.),C. N. Xu (Kyushu National Industrial Research Institute),M. Suzuki (Saga Univ.),E. S. Otabe
Physica C 357-360 ( 1 ) 181 - 185 2001年04月
Bi-2223銀シーステープ線材の超低電界領域のE-J特性の評価 査読有り
低温工学 35 ( 11 ) 523 - 529 2000年04月
高温超電導多芯テープ線材における磁束の可逆運動と交流損失 査読有り
低温工学 35 ( 5 ) 217 - 222 2000年04月
Effect of Sr Substitution on the Magnetic-Field Irreversibility in Superconductive Cu(Ba1-ySry)2YbCu2O6+z 査読有り
T. Nakane,Y. Yasukawa,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,M. Karppinen,H. Yamauchi
Physica C 338 ( 1&2 ) 25 - 28 2000年04月
Fabrication and properties of Ag-sheathed Bi2223 tapes with Sr6V2O11 oxide barriers between filaments 査読有り
H. Maeda (Kitami Inst. Tech.),P. X. Zhang (Toyohashi Univ. Tech.),K. Watanabe (Tohoku Univ.),T. Matsushita,E. S. Otabe
Physica C 335 ( - ) 35 - 38 2000年04月
Flux-pinning property in melt-processed Sm-123 superconductor 査読有り
T. Matsushita,E. S. Otabe
Physica C 335 ( - ) 153 - 156 2000年04月
A Method for Simultaneously Evaluating the Electromagnetic Properites and Mean Free Path of Superconductor 査読有り
Akira Taguchi (Kogakuin Univ.),Hiroshi Nakane (Kogakuin Univ.),Sadao Yamazaki (Kogakuin Univ.),Syuetu Haseyama (Dowa Mining Co.),Edmund Soji Otabe
Advances in Superconductivity XII (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo) 509 - 511 1999年10月
Irreversible Characteristics of Melt Processed Sm-123 Superconductor 査読有り
Edmund Soji Otabe,Teruo Matsushita
Advances in Superconductivity XII (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo) 506 - 508 1999年10月
Jc Properties of Ag-sheathed Bi2223 Tapes with Sr-V-Oxide Barriers 査読有り
Hiroshi Maeda (Kitami Inst. of Tech.),P. X. Zhang (Toyohashi Univ. of Tech.),Kazuo Watanabe (Tohoku Univ.),Teruo Matsushita,Edmund Soji Otabe
Advances in Superconductivity XII (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo) 688 - 690 1999年10月
Distribution of Pinning Current and Irreversibility Properties in Underdoped Bi-2212 Single Crystal 査読有り
Syunsuke Yamaura,Teruo Matsushita,Edmund Soji Otabe,Yuri Nakayama (Tokyo Univ.),Jun-ichi Shimoyama (Tokyo Univ.),Kohji Kishio (Univ. Tokyo)
Advances in Superconductivity XII (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo) 404 - 406 1999年10月
Irreversibility Field and Apparent Pinning Potential in Superconducting Bi-2212 Single Crystal 査読有り
T. Matsushita,E. S. Otabe,T. Hirano,H. Mori,Y. Nakayama (Univ. Tokyo),J. Shimoyama (Univ. Tokyo),K. Kishio (Univ. Tokyo)
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (Materials) 699 - 705 1999年07月
Small Current Transformer Using Oxide Superconductor for Transport AC Loss Measurement 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,Y. Morizane,T. Matsushita,J. Fujikami (Sumitomo Electric Ind.),K. Ohmatsu (Sumitomo Electric Ind.)
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (Plenum, New York) (Proc. Cryogenic Engineering Conf., Montreal, Canada, Jul. 12-15, 1999) Vol. 45A 713 - 719 1999年07月
Hysteresis Loss in Superconducting Bi-2223 Tape with Fine Filaments 査読有り
Edmund Soji Otabe,Teruo Matsushita,Jun Fujikami (Sumitomo Electric Ind.),Kazuya Ohmatsu (Sumitomo Electric Ind.)
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 9 ( 2 ) 2569 - 2572 1999年04月
Evaluation of Irreversible Property in Superconducting Cu(Ba$_{0.8}$Sr$_{0.2}$)$_{2}$YbCu$_{2}$O$_{6+z}$ Powder 査読有り
Teruo Matsushita,Edmund Soji Otabe,Takayuki Nakane (Tokyo Inst. of Tech),M. Karppinen,Hisao Yamauchi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech)
Physica C 322 ( - ) 100 - 104 1999年04月
Reversible Fluxoid Motion in a Superconducting Bi-2223 Tape with Fine Filaments 査読有り
Edmund Soji Otabe,Teruo Matsushita,Jun Fujikami (Sumitomo Electric Ind.),Kazuya Ohmatsu (Sumitomo Electric Ind.)
Superconductor Science and Technology 12 ( 12 ) 1112 - 1115 1999年04月
Magnetic Investigations of Hg-based HTSC: Evidence for Different Kinds of Pinning 査読有り
Christof Ecker (Freie Univ. Berlin),Michael Baenitz (Freie Univ. Berlin),Klaus Lueders (Freie Univ. Berlin),Edmund Soji Otabe,Teruo Matsushita,H.R. Khan,Eugene Antipov (Mowcow State Univ.)
Advances in Superconductivity XI (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo) 461 - 464 1998年11月
Results of Round Robin Test of Residual Resistance Ratio in Cu/Nb-Ti Composite Superconductor 査読有り
Teruo Matsushita,Edmund Soji Otabe,Satoru Murase (Toshiba),Kozo Osamura (Kyoto Univ.),C.Y. Hua
Advances in Superconductivity XI (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo) 1507 - 1510 1998年11月
500 A Class Small AC Transformer Using Oxide Superconductor Operating at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature 査読有り
Edmund Soji Otabe,Yasuyuki Morizane,Hiroshi Matsuoka,Masayuki Izawa,Teruo Matsushita,Jun Fujikami (Sumitomo Electric Ind.),Kazuya Ohmatsu (Sumitomo Electric Ind.)
Advances in Superconductivity XI (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo) 1393 - 1396 1998年11月
Twist Effect on Hysteresis Loss in Bi2223 Multifilamentary Wires Exposed to an AC Magnetic Field 査読有り
M. Iwakuma (Kyushu Univ.),Y. Tajika (Kyushu Univ.),K. Kajikawa (Kyushu Univ.),K. Funaki (Kyushu Univ.),T. Matsushita,E. S. Otabe,N. Ayai (Sumitomo Electric Ind.),K. Hayashi (Sumitomo Electric Ind.),K. Sato (Sumitomo Electric Ind.)
Physica C 310 ( - ) 154 - 158 1998年04月
Possibility of Reduction in Hysteresis Loss Due to Reversible Fluxoid Motion in a Superconducting Bi-2223 Multifilamentary Wire 査読有り
Edmund Soji Otabe,Hiroshi Matsuoka,Teruo Matsushita,Jun Fujikami(Sumitomo Electric Ind.),Kazuya Ohmatsu (Sumitomo Electric Ind.)
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 37 ( 4A ) L382 - L385 1998年04月
AC Transport Current Loss in QMG Processed Y-123 Superconductor 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Proceedings of the 17th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference 1998年04月
Irreversibility Field in Hg-1223 Grain Aligned Powders 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Advances in Superconductivity X (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 1998) 1998年04月
Comparative Study of the Irreversibility Line of the (Hg, Pb)-1223 Superconductor 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Advances in Superconductivity X (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 1998) 1998年04月
Effect of reversible fluxoid motion in superconducting Bi-2223 multifilamentary wire 査読有り
Physica C 282-287 2339 - 2340 1997年04月
Influence of the Frequency on the Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Rod-shaped Y-Ba-Cu-O Superconductor Measured by the SRPM method 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
{Advances in SuperconductivityIX (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo), pp. 943--946, 1997 1997年04月
Third Harmonic AC Susceptibility in Multifilamentary Wires 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Proc. 16th International Cryogenic Engineering Conference/International Cryogenic Materials Conference, Kitakyushu, pp. 1803--1806, 1997 1997年04月
Irreversibility Field in Multifilamentary Nb-Ti Wires with Fine Filaments 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Advances in SuperconductivityIX (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo), pp. 641--644, 1997 1997年04月
The Estimation ofCritical Current Density Using SRPM and AC Method 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Prof. 16thInternational Cryogenic Engineering Conference/InternationalCryogenic Materials Conference, Kitakyushu, pp. 701--704,1997 1997年04月
AC Susceptibility Measurements for Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O Powder 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 35 ( 12A ) 6023 - 6028 1996年04月
Pinning-Force Density of Superconducting Bi-2223 Tape Wires 査読有り
M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,T. Kato,T. Hikata,K. Sato
Physica C 260 ( 3-4 ) 177 - 187 1996年04月
Sharp Variation in Resistivity of Weakly Pinned Superconductor at Transition under Magnetic Field 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Advances in Superconductivity VIII (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo), pp. 533--536, 1996 1996年04月
Magnetic Structure of Flux Line Lattice 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Proc. of 8th Int. Workshop on CriticalCurrents in Supercond., Kitakyushu, May 1996 (WorldScientific, Singapore, 1996) pp. 129--132. 1996年04月
Resistive Transition of Superconducting Nb-Ti 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Proc. of 8th Int. Workshop on Critical Currents inSupercond., Kitakyushu, May 1996 (World Scientific,Singapore, 1996) pp. 303--306. 1996年04月
3rd Harmonic AC Susceptibility in Oxide Superconductors 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Advances in Superconductivity VIII(Springer-Verlag, Tokyo), pp. 623--626, 1996 1996年04月
Experimental Examination on $E$-$J$ Characteristics in Superconducting PbBi Alloys 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Advances in SuperconductivityVIII (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo), pp. 631--634, 1996 1996年04月
Study on Local Magnetic Flux Distribution in Type II Superconductors by Means of Small-Angle Neutron Scattering 査読有り
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 5 ( 2 ) 1810 - 1810 1995年04月
Third Harmonic AC Susceptibility in Superconducting Powder 査読有り
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 5 ( 2 ) 1383 - 1383 1995年04月
Magnetic Properties of Granular Superconductors Rb<sub>3</sub> C<sub>60</sub> 査読有り
Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 34 L1267 - L1267 1995年04月
Critical Current Property and Irreversibility Line in Superconducting Hg-1212 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Adv. in Superconductivity VII (Springer, Tokyo) pp. 501--504,1995 1995年04月
Scaling Law of Pinning Force Density in Bi-2223 Superconducting Tape Wires 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Adv. in Superconductivity VII (Springer, Tokyo) pp. 469--472,1995 1995年04月
Estimation of Critical Current Density in a Melt-Processed Super-conducting Y-Ba-Cu-O Using AC and DC Inductive Methods 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 33 ( 7B ) L996 - L999 1994年04月
Anisotropy of Irreversibility Line in a Superconducting Bi-2223 Tape Wire 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Adv. Cryog. Eng. Mater. (Plenum, New York) Vol. 40, pp. 33--40, 1994 1994年04月
Irreversibility Lines in Bi-2212 Superconductors 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Adv. in Superconductivity VI (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo), pp. 499--502, 1994 1994年04月
Weak Link Properties in QMG-Processed Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,N. Ihara,T. Fukunaga,N. Nishida (Kyushu Inst. Tech.),K. Kimura (Nippon Steel),M. Hashimoto (NipponSteel)
Adv. in Superconductivity VI (Springer-Verlag, Tokyo), pp. 835--838, 1994 1994年04月
Measurement of AC Penetration Depth in Superconducting Wires with Fine Filaments 査読有り
T. Matsushita,E. S. Otabe (Kyushu Inst. Tech.),M. Iwakuma (Kyushu Univ.),K. Funaki (Kyushu Univ.),K. Yamafuji (Kyushu Univ.),O. Miura(Furukawa Electric),K. Matsumoto (Furukawa Electric),Y. Tanaka (Furukawa Electric)
Adv. Cryog. Eng. Mater. (Plenum, New York) Vol. 40, pp. 551--558, 1994 1994年04月
Flux Pinning Characteristics in Bi-2212 Single Crystal 査読有り
T. Matsushita,T. Nakatani,E. S. Otabe,K. Yamafuji,K. Takamuku,N. Koshizuka
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32 ( 5B ) L720 - L722 1993年04月
Critical Current Density in Superconducting Nb-Ti under Proximity Effect 査読有り
Cryogenics 33 ( 5 ) 531 - 540 1993年04月
Effect of Plastic Detormation in Fluxoid Lattice on Magnetic Relaxation in Superconductors 査読有り
Cryogenics 33 ( 3 ) 347 - 351 1993年04月
Weak Link Property in superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O Prepared by QMG Process 査読有り
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 3 ( 1 ) 1045 - 1048 1993年04月
Irreversibility Line in Superconducting Bi-2212 Single Grain with Fine Normal Particles 査読有り
Cryogenics 33 ( 3 ) 251 - 255 1993年04月
History Effect of Critical Current Density in Superconducting Multifilamentary Nb-Ti Wire 査読有り
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 3 ( 1 ) 1026 - 1029 1993年04月
Effect of Reversible Fluxoid Motion on Magnetization in Small Superconductors 査読有り
T. Matsushita,E. S. Otabe,N Ohtani (Kyushu Inst. Tech.),K. Kimura,M. Hashimoto (Nippon Steel Co.) and H. K\"upfer (Karlsruhe Nuclear Research Center)
Adv. in Supercond. V (Springer-Verlag. Tokyo, 1993) pp. 529--532 1993年04月
DC Magnetization of Bi-2212 Single Crystal in Field Cooled Process 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita (Kyushu Inst. Tech.),N. Sakamoto,T. Akune (Kyushu Sangyo Univ.),K. Takamuku and N. Koshizuka (Int. Supercond. Tech. Center)
Adv. in Supercond. V (Springer-Verlag. Tokyo, 1993) pp. 525--528 1993年04月
Factors Determining Critical Current Density in Melt-Processed Y-Ba-Cu-O 査読有り
T. Matsushita,E. S. Otabe,B. Ni,K. Kimura,M. Morita,M. Tanaka,S. Takebayashi,K. Miyamoto,M. Hashimoto
J. Adv. Sci. 4 ( 2 ) 110 - 114 1992年04月
Irreversibility Lines in Oxide and Metallic Superconductors 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Supercond. sci. Technol. 5 1992年04月
Imaginary AC susceptibility in superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Physica C 196 1992年04月
Effect of Size of Superconductor on Estimation of Critical Current Density Using AC Inductive Method 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 31 ( 2B ) 1992年04月
Flux Creep in a Sinusoidal Washboard Potential in Superconductors 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 31 ( 1AB ) 1992年04月
Critical Current Characteristics in Melt-Processed Y-Ba-Cu-O Superconductor 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Supercond. sci. Technol. 5 1992年04月
Flux Pinning Characteristics in Superconducting Bi-(2212) Single Grains with Normal Particles 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Advances in Superconductivity IV (Springer-Verlag. Tokyo, 1992) pp. 355--358 1992年04月
Irreversibility Line in Bulk Superconducting Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (Materials), Vol. 38 pp. 1111--1117, 1992 1992年04月
Anisotropy of Irreversibility Line in QMG Processed Y-Ba-Cu-O 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Advances in Superconductivity IV (Springer-Verlag. Tokyo, 1992) pp.389--392 1992年04月
Reduction of AC Losses in Superconducting Wire with Very Fine Filaments by Weakening Flux-Pinning Strength 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Adv. in Cryogenic Eng. (Materials), Vol. 38, pp. 745--750, 1992 1992年04月
Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O超電導テープ線材における臨界電流密度の履歴効果と弱結合 査読有り
低温工学 1991年04月
Anomaly in Magnetic Behavior in Oxide Superconductors 査読有り
T. Matsushita,E. S. Otabe,B. Ni
Physica C 185--189 2333 - 2334 1991年04月
History effect of critical current density and weak links in superconducting BiPbSrCaCuO tape wires 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Adv. in Superconductivity III (Springer-Verlag. Tokyo, 1991) 511 - 514 1991年04月
Effect of reversible fluxoid motion on AC susceptibility of high temperature superconductors 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Physica C 182 95 - 102 1991年04月
Irreversibility Line in Polycrystalline Superconducting Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O with Oriented C-Axis 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 30 ( 11A ) L1857 - L1860 1991年04月
Irreversibility Line and Flux Flow Noise in Superconducting Nb-Ta 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
IEEE Trans. Mag. 27 ( 2 ) 1991年04月
Critical Current Characteristics in Superconducting Y-Ba-Cu-O Prepared by the Melt Process 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 30 ( 3A ) L342 - L345 1991年04月
Imaginary AC Susceptibility in High Temperature Superconductors 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
7th US-Japan Workshop on HFSC Fukuoka Oct. 1991 1991年04月
Pinning Characteristics in Superconducting Bi-Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-O 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Adv. in Superconductivity III (Springer-Verlag. Tokyo, 1991) pp. 507--510 1991年04月
Effect of Flux Creep on the SSC Dipole Magnets 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Cryogenics 30 615 - 619 1990年04月
Critical Current Density of Superconducting Nb-Ta Tapes in a Longitudinal Magnetic Field 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Cryogenics 29 ( 3 ) 317 - 320 1990年04月
DC Susceptibility of Type-II Superconductors in Field-Cooled Processes 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Physica C 170 ( 5&6 ) 375 - 382 1990年04月
Proximity Effect on Flux Pinning Strength in Superconducting Nb-Ti with Thin $\alpha$-Ti Ribbons 査読有り
小田部 (エドモンド)荘司
Adv. Cryog. Eng. (Mater.) Vol. 36 (Plenum, New York, 1990) pp. 263--370 1990年04月
九州大学大型計算機センター広報 22 ( 6 ) 1989年04月
Effect of Ti Addition on Flux Pinning Characteristic in Superconducting Nb3Sn
T. Murata, S. Otabe, H. Sakata, H. Tashima, T. Matsushita, K. Osamura
Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering Kyushu University 48 ( 2 ) 141 - 152 1988年04月