論文 - 小田部 エドモンド荘司
A New Physical Reservoir Using the Complex Dynamics of Electric Fields in Type-II Superconductors Containing Pinning Centers Interacting with Quantized Magnetic Flux Lines 査読有り
Ken Arita, Tenma Ueda, Edmund Soji Otabe, Yuki Usami, Hirofumi Tanaka, Tetsuya Matsuno
Physica C 662 1354522 2024年05月
Study of Magnetic-Field Distribution Around the High-Tc Superconducting DC Cable 査読有り
D. Ohkura, N. Chikumoto, Y. Zhang, E. S. Otabe
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 34 9001105 2024年05月
Optimization methods for HTS DC and AC cables with longitudinal magnetic field effect 査読有り
E.S. Otabe, T. Akasaka, V.V. Zubko, S.S. Fetisov, S.Yu. Zanegin, A.A. Nosov, V.S. Vysotsky
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 34 4803605 2024年05月
Lightweight and Large-Current HTS Stacked Tape Conductor 査読有り
Shuhei Kawai, Masae Kanda, Yury Ivanov, Edmund Soji Otabe, Sataro Yamaguchi
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 34 4803407 2024年05月
Magnetic field dependence of critical currents of cross-type Josephson junctions with inhomogeneous critical current density under oblique magnetic fields 査読有り
Soma Haraoka, Edmund Soji Otabe and Yasunori Mawatari
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 63 043001 2024年05月
ОптимизацияВТСПкабелейпостоянногоипеременноготокас учетомэффектапродольногомагнитногополя 査読有り
В.В. Зубко, С.Ю. Занегин, С.С. Фетисов, В.С. Высоцкий, А.А. Носов, Э.С. Отабе, Т. Акасака
Сверхпроводимость: фундаментальные и прикладные исследования 1 53 2024年05月
Explicit Structure-Preserving Integrators for Dissipative and Conservative Nonlinear Time Dependent Schroedinger Equations with Gauge Fields 査読有り
Tetsuya Matsuno, Edmund Soji Otabe, Yasunori Mawatari, Ryo Tabata
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 92 074004 2023年07月
Possibility of regional revitalization by students' IT 査読有り 国際誌
Edmund Soji Otabe, Yusei Hyodo, Takafumi Miyasato
Journal of Digital Life 3 7 2023年04月
Test and analysis of Jc for superconducting DC power cable under longitudinal magnetic field effect 査読有り
Hu Nannan, Wei Kejia, Yushi Kinoshita, Tomoyuki Akasaka, Edmund Soji Otabe, Baolong Ni, Ma Tao, Xia Yaun
Cryogenics & Superconductivity 50 8 2022年10月
Study on performance improvement of superconductive-assisted machining (SUAM) with superconducting tape 査読有り 国際誌
S. Iwasaki, Y. Kinoshita, H. Ishii, E. S. Otabe, T. Nakasaki, K. Suzuki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2323 012025 2022年07月
The feasibility design study and cold test of the first model of HTS cable with the longitudinal magnetic field effect 査読有り 国際誌
S.S. Fetisov, V.V. Zubko, S.Yu. Zanegin, V.S. Vysotsky, A.A. Nosov, E.S. Otabe, Y. Kinoshita, T. Akasaka
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 32 2022年06月
Study on the SUAM Doulbe Magnet System for Polishing 査読有り 国際誌
Tatsuya Nakasaki, Yushi Kinoshita, Panart Khajornrungruang, Edmund Soji Otabe, Keisuke Suzuki
International Journal of Automation Technology 15 503 - 511 2021年05月
Design and evaluation of 10-kA class superconducting DC power cable based on longitudinal magnetic field effec 査読有り 国際誌
Y. Kinoshita, T. Yonenaka, Y. Ichiki, T. Akasaka, E. S. Otabe, M. Kiuchi, T. Matsushita, N. Hu, B. Ni, T. Ma
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1975 012037 2021年05月
Study on Polishing Method Using Magnetic Levitation Tool in Superconductive-Assisted Machining 査読有り 国際誌
Hidetaka Nakashima, Tatsuya Nakasaki, Tatsuhiro Tanaka, Yushi Kinoshita, Yuki Tanaka, Panart Khajornrungruang, Edmund Soji Otabe, Keisuke Suzuki
International Journal of Automation Technology 15 234 - 242 2021年05月
Time-Dependent Ginzburg-Landau Simulation of Critical Current Density Including z-axis Anisotropy 査読有り 国際誌
Rina Yonezuka, Yusei Hamada, Kazunori Kamiji, Edmund Soji Otabe, Yasunori Mawatari, Tetsuya Matsuno
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1857 2021 2021年04月
The possibility of increasing the direct current of HTSC cables due to the effect of the longitudinal magnetic field 査読有り 国際誌
S. Yu. Zanegin, V. V. Zubko, A. A. Nosov, S. S. Fetisov, E. S. Otabe, Y. Kinoshita, T. Akasaka
Cable and Wires 387 19 - 24 2021年03月
Estimation of Machine Parameters in Superconducting Transformer using Differential Evolution 査読有り 国際誌
T. Yonenaka, T. Muraoka, Y. Ichiki, E. S. Otabe, Y. Tokunaga
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1590 012056 5 pages 2020年07月
Evaluation of Critical Current in Junction of Superconductors with Crack Using Finite Element Method 査読有り
Ruizhe Zhang, Yushi Kinoshita, Edmund Soji Otabe, Tomoyuki Akasaka, Atsushi Ishihara, Masaru Tomita
Physica C 577 1353733 2020年07月
Evaluation of superconductor assisted machining (SUAM) with superconducting coated conductors using the finite element method 査読有り 国際誌
Y. Kinoshita, R. Zhang, E. S. Otabe, K. Suzuki, Y. Tanaka, H. Nakashima, T. Nakasaki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1590 012023 6 pages 2020年07月
Explicit Integrators Based on a Bipartite Lattice and a Pair of Affine Transformations to Solve Quantum Equations with Gauge Fields 査読有り
Tetsuya Matsuno, Edmund Soji Otabe, Yasunori Mawatari
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 89 054006-1 - 054006-13 2020年04月