論文 - 小田部 エドモンド荘司
Bi-2223 superconducting magnet generating over 1T in liquid nitrogen 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,S. Nemoto,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,T. Hayashi,K. Fujino,B. Ni
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 234 032046 - 032046 2010年04月
Critical current characteristics and history dependence in superconducting SmFeAsOF bulk 査読有り
B. Ni,J. Ge,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,Z. Gao,L. Wang,Y. Qi,X. Zhang,Y. M
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 234 012028 - 012028 2010年04月
Critical current properties at high magnetic fields in polycrystallineMgB2 superconductors 査読有り
T. Matsushita,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,A. Yamamoto,J. Shimoyama,K. Kishio
Physica C 470 1406 - 1410 2010年04月
Effect of number of filaments on the critical current densityin multifilamentary Bi-2223 tape 査読有り
S. Ueno,S. Yamashita,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,N. Ayai,M. Kikuchi,K. Hayashi,K. Sato
Physica C 470 1380 - 1383 2010年04月
Critical current density properties in polycrystalline Sr0.6K0.4Fe2As2 superconductor 査読有り
N. Yoshida,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,J. Ge,B. Ni,L. Wang,Y. Qi ,X. Zhang,Z. Gao,Y. Ma
Physica C 470 1216 - 1218 2010年04月
Influence of nanoparticles on flux pinning properties in TFA-MOD processed YGdBCO coated conductor 査読有り
F. Matsutani,Y. Takahashi,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,M. Miura,T. Izumi,Y. Shiohara
Physica C 470 1411 - 1414 2010年04月
Estimation of magnetic relaxation property for CVD processedYBCO-coated conductors 査読有り
Y. Takahashi,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,K. Shikimachi,T. Watanabe ,N. Kashima,S. Nagaya
Physica C 470 1284 - 1287 2010年04月
Improvement of Electromagnetic Properties of MgB2 Filaments due to Deformation to Tape Shape 査読有り
A. Kawagoe, Y. Wakabayashi, K. Matsushima, Y. Yoshidome, S. Kawabata, F. Sumiyoshi, N. Yanagi, T. Mito, M. Kiuchi, E. S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, M. Takahashi, T. Wakuda
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superdoncudtivity 20 1601 - 1604 2010年04月
Critical current properties of Ag added Sr0.6K0.4Fe2As2 査読有り
E.S. Otabe,N. Yoshida,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,J. Ge,B. Ni,L. Wang,Y. Qi,X. Zhang,Z. Gao,D. Wang,Y. Ma
Physica C 470 S413 - S415 2010年04月
RE-211相粒子を添加した(Nd, Eu, Gd)Ba$_2$Cu$_3$O$_y$ 超電導体の高温度領域の磁束ピンニング特 査読有り
木内 勝,Mohammed N. HASAN,小田部荘司,松下照男,Miryala MURALIDHAR
低温工学 44 ( 12 ) 579 - 586 2009年04月
Fabrication of a working Bi-2223 superconducting magnet cooled by liquid nitrogen 査読有り
E.S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,K. Fujino,K. Ohmatsu,B. Ni
Cryogenic 49 267 - 270 2009年04月
Superconducting layer thickness of relaxation properties of persistent current in high magnetic field in YBCO-coated conductor 査読有り
F. Matsutani,K. Himeki,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,S. Miyata,A. Ibi,Y. Yamada,Y. Shiohara
Physica C 469 1122 - 1125 2009年04月
Yeast cells proliferation on various strong static magnetic Fields and temperatures 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,S. Kuroki,J. Nikawa,Y. Matsumoto,T. Ooba,K. Kiso,H. Hayashi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 156 012016.1 - 012016.8 2009年04月
Evaluation of anisotropy of critical current density in stoichiometric Bi-2212 single crystals 査読有り
Y. Nakayama,S. Kawai,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,J. Shimoyama,K. Kishio
Physica C 469 1221 - 1223 2009年04月
Dependence of superconducting layer thickness on critical current density of IBAD/CVD-processed YBCO coated conductors 査読有り
K. Himeki,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,K. Shikimachi,T. Watanabe,N. Kashima,S. Nagaya,Y. Yamada,Y. Shiohara
Physica C 469 1457 - 1460 2009年04月
Global and local critical current density in superconducting SmFeAsO$_{1-x}$F$_x$ measured by two methods 査読有り
E.S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,S. Kawai,Y. Morita,J. Ge,B. Ni,Z. Gao,L. Wang,Y. Qi,X. Zhang,Y. Ma
Physica C 469 1940 - 1944 2009年04月
Evaluation of critical current density in multifilamentary Bi-2223 tapes with different lead compositions 査読有り
S. Ueno,S. Takayama,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,N. Ayai,M. Kikuchi,K. Hayashi,K. Sato
Physica C 469 1485 - 1487 2009年04月
AC Magnetic Flux Profile and Critical Current Density Obtained by Campbell's Method in Polycrystalline MgB$_2$ 査読有り
B. Ni,Y. Morita,Z. Liu,C. Liu,K. Himeki,E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushtia
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 19 3529 - 3532 2009年04月
Bi-2223 superconducting magnet working in sub cooled liquid nitrogen 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,T. Hayashi,K. Ohmatsu,B. Ni
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second International Cryogenic Engineering Conference and International Cryogenic Materials Conference 2008 889 - 893 2008年07月
Wideband-RL-cancel circuit for the E-J property measurement using the third-harmonic voltage method 査読有り
H. Yamada,T. Minakuchi,T. Furuta,K. Takegami,S. Nakagawa,K. Kanayama,K. Hirachi,E. S. Otabe,Y. Mawatari,H. Yamasaki
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 97 012005.1 - 012005.8 2008年04月