論文 - 小田部 エドモンド荘司
Current-carrying capacity of HTS DC cables with the reduced Lorentz force 査読有り
Vyatkin V., Tanabe K., Otabe E., Kiuchi M., Matsushita T.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 507 ( PART 2 ) 2014年01月
高性能超電導電力ケーブルの設計 査読有り
松下照男, Vladimir S. Vyatkin, 木内勝, 小田部荘司
低温工学 48 ( 11 ) 569 - 576 2013年11月
Flux Pinning Properties of BHO Pinning Centers at High Magnetic Fields in GdBCO Coated Conductors 査読有り
T. Matsushtia, H. Nagamizu, K. Tanabe, M. Kiuchi, E.S. Otabe , H. Tobita, M. Yoshizumi, T. Izumi, Y. Shiohara, D. Yokoe, T. Kato, T. Hirayama
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 23 8000304 2013年05月
Numerical estimation of AC loss in superconductors with ripple current 査読有り
E.S. Otabe, S. Komatsu, V.S. Vyatkin, M. Kiuchi, T. Kawahara, S. Yamaguchi
Physica C 494 173 - 176 2013年04月
Critical current densities of Sr0.6K0.4Fe2As2 superconductors estimated from AC susceptibilities 査読有り
Subaru Setoyama, Junichi Kinoshita, Tadahiro Akune, Nobuyoshi Sakamoto, Kouji Murakami, Nobuyuki Yoshida, Masaru Kiuchi, Edmund Soji Otabe, Teruo Matsushita, Jun Ge, Baorong Ni, Lei Wang, Yanpeng Qi, Xianping Zhang, Zhaoshun Gao, Yanwei Ma
Physica C 484 35 - 38 2013年04月
松下照男, 木内勝, 小田部荘司, Vladimir S. Vyatkin
超電導応用電力機器研究会 55 - 59 ASC-13-032 2013年04月
Calculation of critical current in DC HTS cable using longitudinal magnetic field effect 査読有り
V.S. Vyatkin, K. Tanabe, J. Wada, M. Kiuchi, E.S. Otabe, T.Matsushita
Physica C 494 135 - 139 2013年04月
Critical Current Characteristics and Flux Pinning in Fe-based Pnictide Superconductor 査読有り
Baorong Ni, Edmund S. Otabe, Masaru Kiuchi, Yanwei Ma
Materials Science Forum 750 288 - 292 2013年01月
Parametric analysis of flux creep-flow model by using genetic algorithm 査読有り
J. Minami, T. Edamoto, K. Uryu, T. Ishibashi, E.S. Otabe, M. Kiuchi
Physics Procedia, 27 244 - 247 2012年04月
Estimation of AC loss in cylindrical superconductor with ripple current 査読有り
E.S. Otabe, K. Ohashi, M. Kiuchi, T. Kawahara, S. Yamaguchi
Physics Procedia, 27 248 - 251 2012年04月
Critical current densities and force-displacement characteristics of fluxoids in Ba1-xKxFe2As2 single crystal 査読有り
B. Ni, J. Ge, M. Kiuchi, E. S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, C. Wang, D. Wang, Y. Ma
Physics Procedia, 36 704 - 709 2012年04月
Condensation energy density properties of Ba-122 pnictide superconductor with columnar defects introduced by heavy-ion irradiation 査読有り
E. S. Otabe, K. Myose, K. Murakami, M. Kiuchi, T. Matsushita, J. Ge, B. Ni, Y. Nakajima, T. Tamegai
Physics Procedia 36 693 - 697 2012年04月
Evaluation of Critical Current Density of FeAs-based Superconductors 招待有り
Edmund S. Otabe, Masaru Kiuchi, Teruo Matsushita, Baorong Ni, Yanpeng Qi, Lei Wang, Zhaoshun Gao, Dongliang Wang, Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma, Yasuyuki Nakajima, Tsuyoshi Tamegai
Superconductivity and Cryogenics 14 ( 2 ) 1 - 7 2012年04月
Development of an MgB2 Coil Wound With a Parallel Conductor Composed of Two Tapes With Insulation 査読有り
A. Kawagoe, K. Matsushima, Y. Yoshidome, S. Kawabata, F. Sumiyoshi, N. Yanagi, T. Mito, M. Kiuchi, E. S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, K. Tanaka and T. Wakuda
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 21 1612 - 1615 2011年08月
Estimations of critical current densities and super-current path in iron-based pnictides superconducors 査読有り
Baorong Ni, Jun Ge, Uri Tanaka, Edmund Soji Otabe, Masaru Kiuchi, Teruo Matsushtia, Zaoshun Gao, Lei Wang, Yanpeng Qi, Xianping Zhang, Yanwei Ma
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 21 2862 - 2865 2011年08月
Field Angle Dependence of Critical Current Density in YGdBCO Coated Conductor 査読有り
M. Kiuchi, T. Koida, J. Minami, Y. Takahashi, E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, M. Miura, T. Izumi, Y. Shiohara, T. Kato
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 21 3210 - 3213 2011年08月
Superconducting layer thickness dependence of magnetic relaxation property in CVD processed YGdBCO coated conductors 査読有り
Y. Takahashia, M. Kiuchi, E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, K. Shikimachi, T. Watanabe, N. Kashima, S. Nagaya
Physica C 471 1025 - 1028 2011年05月
Effect of distribution of powder size on estimation of critical current densities in polycrystalline Sr0.6K0.4Fe2As2 superconductors 査読有り
K. Murakami, T. Mayumi, M. Kiuchi, E.S. Otabe, T. Matsushita, J. Ge, B. Ni, L. Wang, Y. Qi, X. Zhang, Z. Gao, Y. Ma
Physica C 471 912 - 915 2011年05月
Evaluation of geometrical effect on magnetization loss in GdBCO coated conductor 査読有り
Y. Nakayama,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,H. Okamoto,T. Saito,T. Izumi
Physica C 470 1315 - 1317 2010年04月
Influence of nanoparticles on critical current properties in TFA-MOD processed YGdBCO coated conductor 査読有り
Masaru Kiuchi,Fumiya Matsutani,Yuji Takahashi,Edmund S. Otabe,Teruo Matsushita,Masashi Miura,Teruo Izumi,Yuh Shiohara
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 234 022018 - 022018 2010年04月