論文 - 小田部 エドモンド荘司
Flux pinning property in a single crystal NdBa2Cu3Oy superconductor 査読有り
M. N. Hasan,T. Kurokawa,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,N. Chikumoto,T. Machi,M. Muralidhar,M. Murakami
Physica C 426-431 295 - 299 2005年04月
第三高調波電圧誘導法を用いた超電導薄膜の$J_{\rm c}$評価に及ぼす磁束線の可逆運動の影響 査読有り
福元 陽介,木内 勝,小田部 荘司,松下 照男,木須 隆暢,渡部智則,宮田 成紀,衣斐 顕,室賀 岳海,山田 穣,塩原 融
TEION KOUGAKU (J. Cryo. Soc. Jpn.) 40 ( 4 ) 116 - 122 2005年04月
Bending strain effect on critical current of Bi-2223superconductor tapes---report of international round-robin-test 査読有り
T. Kuroda,K. Itoh,K. Katagiri,W. Goldacker,W. haessler,B. ten Haken,M. Kiuchi,K. Noto,S. Ochiai,S. Otabe,H.S. Shin,J. Sosnowski,H. Weijers,H. Wada,K. Kumakura
Physica C 425 111 - 120 2005年04月
Numerical calculation of third harmonic voltage induced byashielding current in a superconducting thick film 査読有り
T. Matsushita,T. Watanabe,Y. Fukumoto,K. Yamauchi,M. Kiuchi,E.S. Otabe,T. Kiss,T. Watanabe,S. Miyata,A. Ibi,T. Muroga,Y. Yamada,Y. Shiohara
Physica C 426-431 1096 - 1102 2005年04月
A standard method of measurement of the irreversibilityfield for bulk RE-123 superconductors 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,M. N. Hasan,T. Matsushita
Superconductor Science and Technology 18 S219 - S222 2005年04月
Critical current density at low temperatures in Bi-2212 superconductor with small anisotropy 査読有り
T. Haraguchi,T. Imada,M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,T. Yasuda,S. Okayasu,S. Uchida,J. Shimoyama,K. Kishio
Physica C 426-431 304 - 308 2005年04月
Temperature Dependence of AC Transport Current Loss of QMG Bulk Superconductor 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,T. Watanabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita,M. Morita
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 44 ( 10 ) 7436 - 7439 2005年04月
Dependence of induced third harmonic voltage on width of superconducting coated conductor 査読有り
T. Nadami,E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita
Physica C 412-414 1011 - 1014 2004年04月
Evaluation of E-J characteristics of YBCO coatedconductor by AC inductive method using third-harmonic voltage 査読有り
Y. Fukumoto,M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,H. Sawa,M. Inoue,T. Kiss,Y. Iijima,K. Kakimoto,T. Saitoh
Physica C 412-414 1036 - 1040 2004年04月
Antiferromagnetic transition in atacamite Cu2Cl(OH)3 査読有り
X. G. Zheng,E. S. Otabe
Solid State Communications 130 107 - 109 2004年04月
Dependence of AC losses on aspect ratio in superconductingwires with rectangular cross section 査読有り
K. Kajikawa,T. Hayashi,K. Funaki,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita
Physica C 412-414 1045 - 1049 2004年04月
Relationship between condensation energy and dimensionality of Bi-2212 superconductor 査読有り
K. Okamura,M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,T. Yasuda,S. Okayasu,S. Uchida,J. Shimoyama,K. Kishio
Physica C 412-414 416 - 421 2004年04月
Effect of sheath material on critical currentcharacteristics of MgB$_2$ at high temperatures 査読有り
M. Kiuchi,K. Yamauchi,T. Kurokawa,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,M. Okada,K. Tanaka,H. Kumakura,H. Kitaguchi
Physica C 412-414 1189 - 1193 2004年04月
Relationship between Condensation energy and Anisotropy in Bi-2212 Superconductor 査読有り
T. Matsushita,K. Okamura,M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Yasuda,S. Okayasu
Advances in Cryogenic Engineering (Internaional Cryogenic Materials Conference ICMC) 50 627 - 634 2003年09月
V-I characteristics and n-values of multifilamentary NbTi wires 査読有り
K. Tsuchiya,T. Kobayashi,A. Terashima,T. Shintomi,N. Banno,K. Itoh,S. Nimori,T. Takeuchi,E. S. Otabe,M. Kiuchi,T. Matsushita
Applied Superconductivity 2003 (Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity) 2298 - 2305 2003年09月
Size dependencies of the peak effect and irreversibility field in superconducting Sm-123 powders 査読有り
T. Matsushita,E. S. Otabe,H. Wada,Y. Takahama,H. Yamauchi
Physica C 397 38 - 46 2003年04月
Angular dependence of irreversibility field in Y-123 coated tape 査読有り
M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita,T. Kuga,M. Inoue,T. Kiss,Y. Iijima,K. Kakimoto,T. Saitoh
Physica C 392-396 1063 - 1067 2003年04月
Enhancement of Critical Current Density and Flux Pinning in Bi-2212 Thick Films Due to MgO Addition 査読有り
B. Ni,M. Kiuchi,E. S. Otabe
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 13 ( 2 ) 3695 - 3698 2003年04月
Pinning Property of Bi-2212 Single Crystals With Columnar Defects 査読有り
E. S. Otabe,K. Okamura,H. Wada,M. Kiuchi,T. Yasuda,S. Okayasu,T. Matsushita
IEEE Trans. on Appl. Supercond. 13 ( 2 ) 3083 - 3086 2003年04月
Theoretical analysis of AC transport current loss in bulk Y-123 査読有り
M. Migita,T. Watanabe,E. S. Otabe,T. Matsushita
Physica C 392-396 639 - 642 2003年04月